Right or Wrong, YOU Decide!

by | Feb 1, 2012 | Beliefs, Faith, Life, Paranormal | 3 comments

There is not a single solitary thing in existence that hasn’t been criticized, praised and/or condemned.  Everything and I mean EVERY possible THING you can think of is judged at some point.  Keep in mind that an opinion, a belief, an idea, a thought, a decision … all these things are judgments.  Every one.  And because of that, every single one of us plays a judge and juror role within the courtroom of our lives.  It’s a fact, my friends, and there’s no denying it!  Judging is a HUGE part of who we are, how we feel, what we think, how we act, what we believe, how we live, etc.  It’s our judging skills that determine our character, our actions and reactions, our thoughts … in fact, every aspect of our lives are affected by our judgments.  Truly, there isn’t a soul in this world who can say he or she is not judgmental.  Again, we need to be, that’s why we are here … to pass judgment.  When we’re dead, we’ll judge it all again.  Or someone will.  In the end, we are all going to be answering  for our judgments and I don’t imagine there’s any getting around it.  Unless I’m wrong, and if I am, it changes nothing.  Your life remains affected either way by the judgments you make. The fact is, whether you believe in God or not, we still must survive in this world until we get to that point (death) and learn the truth of it.  Since we are all judges, who then, determines the right and wrong of our judgments?  Why YOU do of course…for YOUR life.  People in power have that right as well.  And this is why the world is in such a mess.

But anyway, my point for this post is to declare my judgment that paranormal phenomena is a fact.  It’s real.  Spiritual things exist.

I can argue until I’m blue in the face about why the paranormal is a bona fide fact but it won’t matter if you don’t believe in it.  NOTHING I say is going to matter.  Nothing.  Because, my friend, once a judgment is passed, it’s a done deal.  Very few of us change our minds about something once we’ve decided a verdict.  The majority of us are so caught up in our own judgments that we won’t even listen to any other possibility unless it closely relates to our own final verdict. The first utterance of something to which we strongly disagree and we’ve got ourselves an argument that will change nothing in the end.  So, in essence, most arguments are useless ones.  Have you ever noticed that?  Neither side is going to give (oh how rare a nugget it is to find someone who might reconsider their verdict and listen with an open mind to new evidence!!).  For the most part, each side has made a judgment and the verdict is final for each of them.  This, I judge, is another reason why our world is in such a mess.  But I won’t go there.  No.

Here’s the thing.  I say ghosts exist.  I say angels exist.  I say there is life after death.  I say that we can communicate with people who have passed on into the afterlife.  I say that God is real.  I say that evil spirits are real. I say we all have souls.  I say reincarnation is a fact.  I say we have all lived other lives.  All these things are part of the paranormal realm.  Those who don’t believe whichever of those things will just as emphatically say they most certainly do NOT exist.  Who is right?  Do they exist or not?  One says yes (me!) and one says no (the unbelievers).  Here’s MY thinking on it.  If I’m right and those things do exist, then that is knowledge I can use as I press onward to learn more.  If I’m wrong and they don’t exist, well, same story.  I’ll use the knowledge as I press onward to learn more.  One way or the other, we are all going to learn the truth in the end.  And once we KNOW, then we know.  So I ask you…what in the heck is wrong with me believing it?  My life is my own to live just as your life is yours to live.  If someone doesn’t believe the same as me concerning the paranormal, well fine.  So be it.  The problem is, however, that many people care very much what others believe.  I’ve had people tell me that I am going to burn in the pits of hell for all eternity.  For BELIEVING something?  Really?  Thank God I don’t believe that!!  So whose right?  Guess we’ll find out in the end.  But I have to tell you, deep in my gut, way deep down (like right in my soul deep) I really think I’m right and if I’m wrong, I still don’t believe I’ll be off to hell for it.

Churches all have their purpose and place in our world.  We need them.  We really do! The problem I have with some of them (for not all are like this!) is the massive amounts of judgments made by them (church doctrine) and the expectation that everyone accept the judgments they have made (and I mean everyone…even the people who are not part of their church!).  It’s a believe-this-or-else-you’re-going-to-hell way of thinking that turns me off.  Of course the churches mean well, I know that, they believe our souls are at stake.  But who is to say they are right because their INTERPRETATION of the bible says they are right and I am wrong if my INTERPRETATION differs in any way?  Each and every one of us can read the same passage in the bible (or any other document for that matter) and come up with an interpretation that might be similar but not exactly the same.  Ask someone to ramble on enough about a passage and you are eventually going to get disparities of thought.  We humans are like snowflakes.  We are each unique and different from every other.  So, what makes one person’s interpretation better than another’s?  Please don’t say education. Some of the least educated people in the world are also some of the most profound.  Ever listen to a small child?  It truly amazes me the things they seem to know.  And what about Jesus?  How much schooling did he get?  Did he hold any degrees? Oh yes…I KNOW, he was the son of God and thus born with knowledge (a belief I accept, by the way).  But, geez, aren’t I a daughter of God?  What about the knowledge inherent within me?  Did God perhaps make some of us flawed when it came to learning truth?  I think not.  The fact of it is, we are all on our own road to discovery.  Beats me what it is you are out to discover and so who am I to interfere with that journey?  The people who come into our lives, whether permanently or briefly, are all part of our learning process.  Every experience we have, every emotion we experience, every idea we accept or not accept, every truth and every lie we learn, in fact, everything you encounter are all necessary parts of your particular journey. We’ll grow and learn one way or the other.

The thing is, folks, we all come from the same place.  We all come with feelings and instincts.  It’s those two things we should be connecting with and using more to get on in the world.  As we grow, however, our thoughts are manipulated by the world around us and our thoughts influence our feelings which often will affect our instincts.  It’s all quite a mess.  But, eventually we’ll figure it out.  We WILL.

Technology throws reams of information at us all day long so it’s no wonder we get confused!  Everyone wants a voice these days and they all want their voice to be THE one everyone listens to.  Which means, of course, that we also must believe everything THEY say and accept, without question, THEIR judgments.  Since everyone claims to KNOW and yet all the claims differ, I’ll just stick with my own convictions based on my own journey and what I’ve been exposed to and learned.  You do the same and eventually we’ll all get THERE.  Wherever that is.  So, here’s to you having a good trip.  Blessings and Peace out!!


  1. Karen Crumley, author

    Amen!!! My husband and my kids have lived some of the same experiences that I have lived. These were things that were beyond explanation and yet, they all want to wait for some logical explanation to come along before they will admit that they saw it too. We began to remodel this old ranch house and that night our bedroom slammed itself shut hard. There was no wind or air moving in the closed up house and this door normally requires a strong pull to close it. I got up to go open the door and the knob would not turn and the door would not open. I tugged and pushed and twisted on the knob to no avail. Finally, I told my husband, who was watching all of this, to get up and help me open the door. He got up and easily turned the knob and opened the door. Huh….I do not know what he was thinking. Did he think I somehow rigged the door to slam itself? Was I doing a really great acting job while I struggled with the door? Did he think that I just wanted to play get up and run around the room in the middle of the night? He saw the whole thing and still did not believe that anything paranormal had happened. ( The whole story is in my book ‘Growing Up Weird: Confessions of a Closet Medium’.) So, that shows you that it does not matter if they see it themselves, they will deny any belief in the paranormal. Maybe it is because that event did not fit into the little box that is their concept of life. As for me and as a retired science teacher, I say that you cannot prove a negative and you must keep an open mind or you will go around thinking you are seeing things that are not happening. And what does that say about you then? It is like a 3-yr-old who sees something scary. A child will simply close their eyes and then whatever it is does not exist, right? And yet, if you use that logic and if the scary thing is a bear with plans to eat you for lunch, you will still be the bear’s lunch. So who’s the crazy one, the one who bravely admits that something is going on beyond our normal explanation, or the one who will be affected by something because they refuse to admit that something might exist that they cannot see? I just shake my head over some of the short-sightedness of nonbelievers. They way I see it, they are the ones with the problem, not me.

    • deborahjhughes

      Sorry it took me so long to reply!! It’s easier for people to deny something that seems so “unreal” than to accept it. Accepting supernatural/paranormal events as being just that means accepting so much more, things beyond comprehension. Despite the denial, people are usually fascinated never-the-less! The story about the door not opening for you but then opening easily for your husband…I think that is a great example of paranormal phenomena! Perception is everything in this world. Absolutely everything. Everything we encounter…through any of our sense…must pass through our belief systems and our perceptions of those events are based on our beliefs. It’s tough to change people’s minds but not impossible. So true, your conclusion…people will see what they want to see and that’s that. You are so right about another thing too! It is their problem, not yours!! Blessings!! Thanks for sharing your stories!

  2. Serena Dracis, Author

    I entirely agree. The spiritual realm is just as real as the “real’ world. Once I let myself fully accept that reality, I found I was much happier. No more arguing with myself about, ‘what if my brain is just making it up?’ No more wondering if I really heard or saw that ghost, I just accept the experiences and interpret them as best I can. I am really enjoying reading your blog, Deborah, keep up the good work!


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Deborah J. Hughes

Author of the Tess Schafer-Medium series and other books with paranormal content (also some romance!)

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