Inspirational Writing: How and Why

by | Feb 19, 2012 | Angels, Beliefs, Faith, Inspiration, Life, Love, Meditation, Paranormal, Spirit Communication, Writing | 4 comments

Inspirational Writing is one of the most intimate forms of writing.  The message that comes through is either from your higher self (your soul), an angelic being (guardian angel? spirit guide?) or God.  Although the last is really part of it no matter what since God is part of all things.

If you have a problem or concern or would just like a little guidance, Inspirational Writing can deliver just what you need.  Who better to help you than someone who absolutely loves you?

So, for those who have not tried this form of communication, how is it done?  First, there is no right or wrong way.  The only thing you need to do is write (or type if you prefer).  Inspirational Writing is like a written meditation.  Instead of a mental or emotional conversation, you allow words to flow onto paper or onto the keyboard.  The following is just a suggestion on how to approach this very intimate communication.

1.  Start with prayer.  Prayer is communication with God, and Inspirational Writing comes from this very loving source.  So, open the communication with a prayer.  If you have a problem, concern, worry or curiosity, then voice it to God (although God already knows, it helps you clarify what it is you are hoping to accomplish).   Once you have stated your intention for the writing, give thanks for the message you are about to receive.  I can’t quote the bible exactly or tell you where to find it but I do remember reading a passage where Jesus said something to the effect that we should always thank God as if the thing for which we have just asked has already been received.  This reminds me of nightly prayers with my children when they were small.  My daughter always began her prayer this way, “Thank you God for the rest of my life.”  I LOVED that!  I don’t know where she got that from but wow…out of the mouth of babes!

2.  Make sure you are clear about what you are seeking from the communication.  It’s okay if you aren’t seeking anything specific.  If all you want is to open yourself to spirit and see what comes through, that’s totally fine!  If you prefer the message to come from your higher self (an interesting expression but simply means your spiritual self) then state as much. If you would like your spirit guide or guardian angel to come through then say so.  Just know this…whatever your intention when you sit down to write, whoever you wish to contact, whatever you want to know, it will come through.  Just so long as you ALLOW it to happen.

3.  Believe you are worthy of the communication!  You don’t have to be a religious or spiritual leader to receive communication from God or the angels.  You ARE worthy because you are a child of God and our loving Creator is not going to deny you an audience!  Promise.  It doesn’t matter what you’ve done, who you are, how you live, what your faith … when talking to the spiritual realm, none of those things matter.  What matters is that you are a spiritual being, a child of God, and you are seeking communication.

4.  Allow the message to come through.  Just write whatever comes to mind.  Don’t analyze it, don’t edit it, don’t argue with it.  Just LET it.  If the message seems to come slowly at first, stick with it, the more comfortable you get, the better the communication, the easier the words will flow.  Once you set your inner critic aside and just write, you’ll be amazed at what comes through!  Keep writing until you KNOW (and you will know) that you are done.

5.  If whatever comes through is critical and judgmental, then you just communicated with your ego.  Spiritual messages are always loving, positive messages.  ALWAYS.

6.  It is very hard to get our ego out of the way and allow true Inspirational Writing to occur.  One way to do this is to pretend that you are a loving being answering your question.  When deliberately “pretending”, the ego seems to relax and allow things to happen.  However the loving spirit must come through, even if it’s through pretense, it will come through.  Nothing is by chance, so even if you made something up during your pretense…well, where do you suppose those “made up” comments came from?  Your higher Self.

The thing to remember about this form of writing is that it is for YOU.  You don’t need to worry about grammar or punctuation or proper sentence structure.  None of that matters.  Inspirational Writing is spirit writing a letter to you!  Now, if whatever comes through seems worthy of sharing and you’d like to do so, then by all means, share those loving messages.  If people don’t receive them as you did or if they try to negate the message, just remember this…that’s their ego talking.  Unfortunately, ego is a very critical and necessary part of who we are…it helps us function in a very difficult world.  God and the angels don’t have egos.  Any message received during an Inspirational Writing session is done so in love and it will fill you with nothing less than that.

So, give it a try, see what God, the angels or your higher Self has to say.  Blessings to all and Peace out!


  1. Julie

    This is a nice blog but please remember not everyone believes in god and a belief in god is not essential to speak to Spirit. You dont mention protection and quoting the bible isnt usually enough especially for someone who doesnt read it.
    Usually when working with Spirit the first thought that comes to mind is theirs. Afterward it’s usually our own thoughts trying to rationalise 🙂

    • deborahjhughes

      Great contribution! Thanks. I thought about addressing the post to those who don’t believe in God as well as those who do but then decided that I would rather write more to an audience of those who do. That’s what’s so great about blogging…there is something out “there” for everyone. The thing is to find a blog that goes along well enough with your beliefs. In any case, you are right, you don’t have to believe in God to do Inspirational Writing. I didn’t mention protection because I’m just talking about writing and being inspired to do so. But then I must address the issue of how to protect yourself if you don’t believe in God. The post could get a whole lot more complicated! I figured people could write me if they needed more clarification or people (like you!) could leave helpful comments! So thanks again! Blessings!

  2. bradazak

    Great Post Deborah! Regardless of WHAT you believe the message is clear in this blog…be inspired and go for it! Just start writing and see what flows out, you will be surprised at what you find. GOD wants the best for you and will sit by you and whisper words of inspiration to your SPIRIT. There is gold in each of us and Papa God wants to pull that gold out of us! I had a vision today during Church…the prodigal son…God showed me that I’m that son and he gave me his ring, robe, and sandals and said welcome home son, I missed you. Then he gave me a Peacock feather. The vision ended. I talked to my wife about what she thought the feather meant and she instantly said it was a QUILL…It is time for each of us to take our quills and release COLOR into the world. We are all WORLD CHANGERS!

    • deborahjhughes

      Thank you! God certainly does want the best for us. Some believe that the peacock has symbolic meaning (all things do actually) and the peacock is supposed to be a symbol of integrity and the beauty we can achieve when we endeavor to show our true colors. In some myths and lore associated with the peacock it symbolizes nobility, holiness, guidance, protection and watchfulness. All these things are important when dipping the quill and writing words of wisdom! If we all let our “true colors” shine, we would be a great light onto the world! Blessings to you!


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Deborah J. Hughes

Author of the Tess Schafer-Medium series and other books with paranormal content (also some romance!)

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