Fate vs Free Will or do Both Apply?

by | Apr 23, 2012 | Beliefs, Divination, Faith, Life, Meditation, Palmistry | 8 comments

Is there "free will" in heaven? What...

Cover of "What the Bleep Do We Know!?"

If life operates under the concept of Fate, the idea that everything is predestined, then Free Will, the idea that we determine our own destiny, couldn’t possibly apply.  Right?  I think not! I truly believe that BOTH concepts play a significant role!  Let me explain.

I’ve pondered this for quite some time because of my belief in palmistry.  If our lives are “written in the palms of our hands” then what does it matter what we do?  Right?  Wrong!  The lines in our palms actually change as we change.  BUT, and that’s a big “but”, we often don’t change all that much.  Thus, the changes in your lines won’t be very noticeable to you…if you even notice such things.  We are, it seems, creatures of habit, stuck in our ways and stubborn as all get out to accept or undergo “change”.  We are probably designed that way for a reason…to make our lives challenging and difficult! As much as I dislike experiencing trying times, isn’t that when we seem to learn the most?  People who make it successfully through adversity often come out of it much better off than they were before!

But I digress.  I believe in palmistry and the fact that the lines in our hands indicate events that have happened and those that could happen.  Though, really, palmistry is more about learning who you are than anything.  Honestly, it’s quite an in-depth “manual” of the self!  So, if the lines in our palms indicate certain future events, are they then “fated” to happen or can they be changed through the use of “free will”?  It’s an interesting question and, as I stated at the beginning of this post, I believe both factor into the answer.  We can take what we know MIGHT happen and make choices to bring them about (if that’s what we want) OR we can make choices that will avert them from occurring (if that’s preferable).  You see?  We can go with “the plan” as it is now “predetermined” (fated) or we can change the destination through the use of Free Will.

I think this is how psychics operate.  When they give you a “reading”, they are plugged into the current course your life is on and thus, they can tell you what’s in your (probable) future based on that particular course.  HOWEVER, if you don’t like the direction you are going…CHANGE it!  Make decisions and choices that take you in the direction you do WANT to go.  It’s that simple.  Really.  Truly, hard as it may be to believe, life is simple.  For some odd reason, we make it much more difficult than it is!  I wonder why?  The scary part of divination is the fact that some people will accept their “fate” (thus LETTING the current course play out) even if it’s not what they want because they THINK they have no choice in the matter.  Nothing, folks, is written in stone.  Well, okay…one thing is pretty much a given for all…death.  Physical death anyway.  Our spirit (soul), the part of our self that lives eternally, simply returns to its true state of being…a state, I might add that is more “real” than the illusionary life we are now experiencing!  Life, for all it’s significance, is but a blip of time in the course of our existence.

I watch this show called “Fringe” and there are these bald headed guys on there, I think they are called “the observers”, who seem to know everything.  On one episode, an “observer” dude spoke with Olivia (a main character on the show) and told her that he had seen “every possible future” concerning her, and that statement made my mind buzz with thought.  I have watched “What the Bleep” many, many times (it’s an awesome, intriguing, thought-provoking movie and I highly recommend it!) and it basically is telling us that every possible thing that COULD happen, HAS done so!  We live in a world of parallel universes where all possible outcomes to every possible thing IS happening “at once” (this being possible because time…past, present and future…are occurring simultaneously).  I know, I know…it’s all quite confusing, a jumbled mess, but that’s because “the truth of all” is way beyond our human comprehension.  The brains we operate under can only handle just so much!  Things must make logical sense to us or we are not going to accept it.  It’s for that very reason that meditation is so important!  Our brains go to “sleep” during meditative states and our spirit comes forth front and center!  Now, when operating within our spiritual self, everything can suddenly make sense and be crystal clear to us.  This is because our soul-self can grasp what our logical brain cannot.  But, I don’t want to dis our brains because we sort of need them to live in this physical world of ours.  And honestly, it isn’t our brain causing the confusion or making things difficult…it’s our Ego, the part of our personality under which we are who we are, that is doing that.  Difficult as our Egos may be, we need them to be that way in order to stay grounded in life.  Otherwise, we’d zip off into spirit and forgo earthly hardships.  I mean, really.  Why go through this if we don’t have to?  If we truly understood “the other side” then we wouldn’t be hanging around here!  The fact of it is, we came here (into physical life) for a reason and the only way to accomplish that mission is to bury our spiritual self deep within our subconscious, undergo a sort of amnesia concerning our “true” identity, and operate within the confines of our Ego.

I had what I consider a profound dream one night (dreams are our connection to the spiritual side of our existence and to our soul).  I dreamed I was on “the other side” preparing for Earthly life (physical birth) and having a last minute discussion with my angel friends.  I told them that I was determined not to forget them and my true identity.  They told me that once I entered the earth plane (physical existence), I wouldn’t be able to help myself.  Our memories of truth fade into obscurity because that’s how it has to be.  “No,” I told them.  “I’m not going to let that happen this time!”  So I climb this spiral staircase (symbolic of my “birth” into earthly life) and I continuously look down at my angel friends as I climb higher and higher (an interesting perspective considering we think of ourselves as coming “down” from heaven).  Finally I reach the top and have to step off the staircase onto “earth” which is a flat plane that stretches as far as I can see…getting darker and darker as it goes.  I reluctantly leave the staircase and light shining from below and begin my journey through life.  As I do so, however, I periodically look back toward the staircase (and the only source of light I might add!)  The further I go, the less I can see of that light and the darker it gets.  As I move along, I pass different scenes (which I think represent events or periods of time in my life).  Some are good, some bad and after each one (especially the bad ones!) I glance back at that staircase to remind myself of its existence and its truth.  “So far, so good,” I think to myself as I continue on.  I’m pretty proud of the fact that I haven’t forgotten!  But then as I go deeper into the dark, I am afraid to turn around because I don’t trust having that darkness and what might lurk within it at my back!  Finally, however, I glance behind me…I don’t see the staircase anymore or the light shining from below it.  And as I look, I am wondering what it is I am looking for!  I woke up immediately after that feeling quite disturbed.  That’s how life seems to work.  We get so deep into the darkness of adversity that we can no longer see the light and once we lose sight of that connection, we no longer remember who we truly are!  But you know…it’s still there!  I just need to keep reminding myself about that.

I mentioned that there is only one final destination that we all must face and that is physical death.  But is it “fated” WHEN that is to occur?  I hear all the time “when it’s your time to go, you’ve got to go” and I wonder about that statement.  Who determines when it is time?  Do we determine that or God?  Well, here again, I believe that both concepts of Fate and Free Will apply.  We can either accept our “fate” and let death happen OR we can decide to hang around a little longer!  In the end, I truly believe it’s up to us.  This is why we all hear stories of how people defied death against all odds or why death occurred when it wouldn’t seem likely that such a thing could happen.  Life is a mystery.  I love a good mystery.  Don’t you?

So, what are your thoughts on the matter?  Care to share them with me?  We are all spiritual beings capable of bringing forth interesting thoughts and ideas…one of the best things you can do is share them!  It matters not if people agree or disagree.  It’s the discussion that arises that makes it worthwhile!  We do love our discussions don’t we?  They may get heated and spark controversy but that’s what helps us figure things out!  Its those controversies, discussions and ideas that help us define who we are and what we believe.  I can tell you this much…when I hear something I either agree with or not…it helps me understand who I am and what I stand for!  The fact of it is, we are all where we are based on what we’ve come to know, like it or not.  The awesome thing about this is that if you don’t like it, you can certainly CHANGE it!  And that, my friends, is our reason for being here, our “soul” purpose for living!!

Until next time, blessings to all and Peace Out!


  1. Caleb Pirtle (@CalebPirtle)

    I’ve interviewed psychics in Cassadaga, Florida, and they me the same thing. They know the road you’re on and what will happen if you remain on that road. But, knowing that, you do have a chance to take the next fork in the road.

    • deborahjhughes

      I’d love to check out Cassadaga one of these days! Have you been to Lily Dale? Another great place…in New York. Thanks for stopping by, Caleb! Always nice to see you. Blessings.

  2. Patrick

    When I visited a psychic I learned of a fork in my road ahead as well. My guide that was with me at the time, gave me a symbolic gift of a staff that was going to help me make my decision when the time came. I truly believe I’m still at that fork in the road and haven’t really made the decision yet.

    Regarding “our time to go”… I think we write several check out points into our charts when we’re on the other side. As we go through our lives and get near to any of those check out points, our higher self meets with our guide and who knows who else to help us decide if we’ve accomplished what we came here to learn. Or… possibly the way things are unfolding, maybe a particular event truly is too much for us to handle, so when the next check out point arrives, we can peace out! 🙂

    I am certainly no authority… but I’ve read a lot of books by mediums and psychics. They’re all a little different, but that’s what I like to think. 🙂

    • deborahjhughes

      I’ve never considered that there might be several “check out” points! What an interesting concept. It makes sense to me though!!

      I think a fork in the road is symbolic of the fact that there are always choices to make…you can do either this or that! Every decision you make takes you in a different direction. You don’t like the direction, make another decision!! The staff is probably symbolic of the fact that you are not alone when making choices. None of us are but few of us KNOW that!! Thanks for stopping by and chatting with me!! Blessings!!

  3. Emma

    I do like the idea of fate and things are meant to happen but I also want to have choicese and not have it set out before me like a fixed path.

    • deborahjhughes

      It is sort of nice to know that certain things are meant to happen but we can still do something about it if we choose to!! Thanks for stopping by, Emma!!!

  4. Roni Lynne

    I’ve watched What the Bleep Do We Know a few times myself. I DO believe that there are alternate universes where everything that CAN happen has or IS happening. There are also some really great shows out there such as Through the Wormhole with Morgan Freeman that raise similar issues at times.
    I’ve never had my palms read before, but I do think I’ve noticed some small changes in some of the lines as I’ve gotten older.
    Can palm readings be done with scans/photcopies of a persons hands? I’ve read a few palmistry books where they use photocopies of hands to try and illustrate their points & I’ve always had difficulty in seeing what they’re describing in the pictures.

    ~Roni Lynne
    YA Adventures in the Paranormal…and Beyond!
    Connect with me!
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    • deborahjhughes

      I’ve never heard of Through the Wormhole but you can be sure I’m going to check it out! Thanks. Palm reading can be done with scans, certainly. In fact, I prefer to take a digital photos of the palms so I can magnify the images and see the lines better! I will tell you that it’s hard to read your own hands. I have the worst time with that!! I’m just not objective enough (sigh). Would love to have my palms read someday but every palm reader I’ve gone to hasn’t done it right. They are really doing psychic readings and though I like psychic readings, when I ask for a palm reading, that’s what I want and expect to get! It’s really hard to find a true palm reader out there but they must exist!! (smile)

      Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog! And thanks for suggesting that movie.


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Deborah J. Hughes

Author of the Tess Schafer-Medium series and other books with paranormal content (also some romance!)

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