Living With Ghosts, Part III

by | Jun 6, 2012 | Haunted House, Hauntings, Paranormal, Supernatural | 16 comments

Last night I watched a show I recorded on my DVR (love the DVR!!) about an exorcism of a young boy believed to be possessed by the devil.  The documentary was called “In the Grip of Evil” and it was supposed to be the inspiration for author William Peter Blatty‘s “The Exorcist“.  Of course the show gave an accounting of the events which took place (based on journal documentations of the exorcism) and included a commentary from a believer’s standpoint (one of the priests who took part in the exorcism) and a non-believer’s standpoint (someone supposedly more “educated” and thus more believable).  Actually, I think there were a couple of people trying to dispute the idea that possession can actually occur.  It really annoys me when people try to pass off strange events (especially those not easily explained) as a “hallucination”.  Really?  Isn’t life itself a hallucination?  So anyway…

What creeped me out a bit watching that show was the part where the bed started shaking.  You know what? That really does happen.  And it’s freaky as all hell.

I’m not sure how old I was when I experienced one of the creepy-odd events in that old farmhouse, but I’m going to guess I was about twelve.  I’d say it’s a pretty good guess because I was reading quite a bit by this point (all my mom’s Harlequin and Silhouette romance books), and I know it occurred before we accepted that the house was haunted … otherwise, I think I would have been terrified out of my freakin mind!

My parents were having a “get together” of friends and family (they liked to play guitars and sing).  The five of us kids were banished to the upstairs bedrooms.  Not in the mood to play, especially with my younger siblings (I was the oldest of five), I grabbed a book and headed for my parents’ room to read.  My rambunctious sibs played in the other two bedrooms and left me alone.

Although I got a little nervous sometimes while hanging out in my parents’ bedroom (you know, that spine-tingly, something-doesn’t-feel-right feeling), I really wanted to be on my own so I could read undisturbed.  I made myself comfortable on the bed, pillows propped behind me, and was soon lost in the story.  I have to tell you, when I’m reading, my mind is fully engaged and I don’t notice anything going on around me.  I’m not sure how long it was before the slight tremors in the bed made my hands shake and thus, interrupted my reading.  Curious, I lifted my head and took note.  The tremors were slight at first.  More like a strong vibration.  I wondered what could be causing it but I wasn’t scared at this point.  I was more intrigued than anything.  After a few minutes, I figured the shaking had to be caused by the kids running around in the next room and went back to my book.  The shaking grew worse.

Okay, now I knew something was definitely up.  Slight tremors I could explain away, big-time shaking…not so much.  As the bed shaking grew worse (they came in spurts), I immediately suspected that it had to be my brother (whom I will refer to as “J”) because he was always up to some mischief and the others were too small to make the bed do anything. My parents had a wrought-iron bed at the time…it was a heavy-assed bed…and it was up pretty high from the floor.  There was lots of crawl space underneath it (I know because it was always a favorite hiding spot when playing hide-and-go-seek). I set the book down, twisted around onto my stomach and then leaned over the edge to take a look.

While hanging there peering at empty space (definitely no visible bodies or anything else for that matter), the bed shook hard and I had to grab at the mattress to keep from falling off.  Now I’m scared.  What the hell?  No, I’m sure I didn’t think those exact words, but I sure am thinking them today!!  I pushed myself back up in a sitting position and considered my dilemma.  I wanted to get off the bed, but I wasn’t sure if it was safe to do so.  While pondering this, a spool of thread … green, I believe … started rolling across the floor.  I have no idea where the spool came from.  It rolled from beneath the window on the wall to my left toward the wall on my right.  I watched it with growing unease.  The spool rolled slowly at first and then gained speed, banging into the wall, bouncing off, going still then taking off for the opposite wall where it would do the same thing.  Sometimes the damned thing would stop just before hitting the wall…rest for a few seconds and then go flying across the room as if someone had just whacked the crap out of it.  The bed tremors continued but at this point I was more worried about the self-propelling spool of thread! Although I was scared to death, I somehow managed to crawl to the end of the bed so I could see if maybe one of the cats was causing the spool ruckus.  Nope.  No cats.  No kids.  Nothing. Which of course, it couldn’t be “nothing” could it?

Although I was quite young, I knew…I KNEW…that a spool of thread shouldn’t act the way that one was acting.  The fast and slow rolls, the bounce off the wall into an abrupt stop.  No, it wasn’t normal.  When it once again bounced off the wall on my right (the furthest wall from the bed) and then rolled slowly toward me, my trepidation grew in one heart-pounding leap.  The spool rolled slow and steady until it was under the bed.  Then it stopped.  I waited.  Nothing.  Finally, I HAD to know…and I forced myself to lean over the bed to look, though this time I had a tight hold of the foot rail.  No WAY was I getting tossed off that bed!  Honestly, I thought it showed an extreme act of courage to do that!  I STILL think as much!! As soon as my eyes found that stupid spool, it shot out and hit the wall to the left, bounced off, stopped and then rolled slowly toward the open bedroom doorway.  It stopped just at the threshold.

After a few seconds of waiting (the spool rocked a little but it stayed in place), I found my voice and called out to my siblings.  It was J who came to the door.  I was holding the wrought-iron foot-rail and praying for dear life at this point.  “Go get mom!”  It took some convincing…okay pleading…but something (probably my terrified expression, or perhaps the panic in my voice) told J I wasn’t playing around and he finally took off down the stairs.  The bed shaking had stopped as soon as J came to the door and the spool remained still.

After a bit of convincing (my mom didn’t want to respond to J’s summons at first) she finally came up the stairs and stood in the doorway, “What?” Although she was quite annoyed to be called upstairs, thank God she came!

I pointed to the spool of thread.  “That spool was rolling around the room all by itself.”

Mom looked down, saw the spool and picked it up.  “One of the cats was probably playing with it.”

“There aren’t any cats in the room.  And the bed is shaking.”

“Well it’s probably vibration from the music.”

Really?  Then why did it stop?  The music was going strong downstairs…no vibration to be had.  I scrambled off the bed and exited my parents’ room before Mom could disappear down the stairs.  I was afraid to go in there after that but I would do so if someone else were with me.  It seemed the bed wouldn’t shake if there was more than two people in the room.

I tried an experiment after we started communicating with the spirits (about a couple years later) and actually went to my parents’ room to see if anything would happen.  When the bed began to shake, I was “gone, baby gone” … out that door in no-time-flat.  No more experiments for me!  My mom had similar bed-shaking experiences.  As for my dad, he never complained about the bed shaking but he did complain about something shaking him!  Once he joined the “this house is haunted” band-wagon (something he resisted for quite some time as my dad was a hard-core, no-nonsense sort of person), a move to a new place became imminent.  None of us wanted to be there anymore.  I hadn’t wanted to be there since the “monster” incident I wrote about in Part II so I was pretty ecstatic about leaving.

I can’t say at what point we began to blame the ghosts for all the strange things happening in that house but I can tell you, once we became aware of such a possibility, we really started noticing things. Yes, I know…our imaginations could have been fueled by our beliefs but even so…that doesn’t explain HOW some of the things that happened there, happened there.  To this day I wonder.  Why?  What was the point in it all? What do they want? Where are they?  Why are they still there? (the house is gone, but they are still there…I KNOW it).

So, that’s my shaking-bed story.  What say you?  Ever have anything like that happen to you?  I tell you, I can’t look at a spool of thread and not think about this story.  It’s as freaky now as it was then.  But it wasn’t just a spool of thread that developed a life of its own…no. Heck, freakin no.  I’ll leave those stories for future posts.

That’s it for now!  Tune in again for Part IV if you dare! (smile)  Thanks for stopping by.  Until next time, Blessings to all and Peace Out!


  1. Karen Crumley, author

    Oh my goodness! Again you gave me chills! I am very thankful that I have not had any bed shaking experiences, just chairs scooting themselves away from the dining table and doors slamming themselves shut when my fellow occupants want to get my attention ( usually about something my husband is doing like tearing down the old house behind us or remodeling this house.) I do my best to try to keep my friends happy. I did finally just unplug that portable air conditioner that someone had figured out how to play with the remote and make it ding in long composed messages of some kind. We do not have central air and I am really quite dreading having company in that room and having to plug it back in. I will probably get a real dressing out and it will scare my grandkids. But it has been very quiet since we quit remodeling…except for a few instances of items being moved to new odd places. I love your stories because they make me feel like I may actually be normal. I’m just waiting eagerly for the next one!

  2. Emma

    Thanks for the share again Deborah. I’m really enjoying these stories.

    • deborahjhughes

      Thanks, Emma! I appreciate your supportive comments! Glad you are enjoying the stories.

  3. Patrick

    A year ago my partner and I stayed in one of the fourth floor rooms at the Stanley Hotel (forgetting the room number) for 3 nights I think. That room had been investigated by all the different tv paranormal groups. The big claim was the bed shaking, and in one case a woman had to be taken away because she went crazy after the bed shook out of control. Well… we had a very pleasant and quiet 3 nights in that room. 🙂 No shakig. I got a few possible EVPs while we were sleeping though. 🙂

    • deborahjhughes

      I would LOVE to stay in that hotel. I stayed in some cabins nearby but that was as close as I’ve gotten. I wonder if you’d laid on the bed and invited the spirit to contact you if the bed would have shook? I know when I tried that (at the farmhouse), it started shaking almost right away (when I conducted my “experiment”). I’m thinking it probably isn’t a good thing to have the bed shake. It seems to be connected to negative events. Not that I was harmed or anything when I had my experience but still…I don’t see how that would be a good thing.

      I haven’t tried capturing EVPs but my brother has had some success with it! We had some EVPs occur when I went ghost hunting with The Maine Ghost Hunters … the house nearby in Vassalboro has been on TV and its been investigated by several paranormal organizations. Definitely haunted!!

      Thanks for all your comments, Patrick!! I love talking about this stuff!!

      • Patrick

        Actually… I didn’t know about the bed and the room’s history until my second night in the room when I found the videos on my iPhone. It definitely made the atmosphere a bit different trying to get to sleep… but I think it was all in my head. 🙂 Pretty sure my partner would not have approved of me asking for bed movement. 🙂 I have some audio samples of some of the creepy wind sounds and noises from that night on my group’s page.

      • deborahjhughes

        Ha, ha, Patrick! I imagine your partner would have hated it if the bed started shaking because some unseen spirit was having a spot of fun. lol. How was the overall “feel” of the place…did you ever feel uncomfortable? Are you part of a paranormal team?

      • Patrick

        I am the founder of Missouri Spirit Seekers ( We were there on vacation, so an unofficial investigation is what we had. 🙂 I absolutely loved our stay… more than anything, for the beauty and the history of the place. People around us were having different experiences, including a maid that ran out of the room across the hall from me crying and got out of there. However, I had no experiences… other than maybe general creepiness of just being there and excited about it.

      • deborahjhughes

        Sorry you didn’t get to experience anything specific on the paranormal front but it must be cool to be part of the MSS!! I would like to do more with the Maine Ghost Hunters but it seems I am always so busy I can’t fit in an investigation with them. Come what may, I WILL go on another investigation. It really was a lot of fun. I can imagine that your life is quite interesting! Hope we keep in touch, Patrick! It’s nice to “hobnob” with like minded folks. (Smile)

        • Patrick

          Same here! Looking forward to the next post!

  4. deborahjhughes

    Sounds like your ghost is quite active! I find that most curious about the air conditioner! Maybe they didn’t like you remodeling? Hmmmm… You definitely are noramal!! PARA-normal! (smile) Have you ever tried to contact the spirit? Sometimes that’s fine to do and sometimes not…it seems to encourage activity when you interact with them. Maybe the focus on them gives them more energy….I don’t know. Doors closing and opening…a common occurrence…chairs scooting around…that I haven’t experienced. How bizarre! Did you see Poltergeist? I found that so freaky when all the chairs were rearranged in the dining room in an instant of time. That would totally freak me out. Same as that part in The Sixth Sense when all the cupboard doors and drawers were opened while she turned away for a second. I do wonder why they like moving things around. So odd. Thanks for all your interaction, Karen!! I do appreciate the encouraging comments.

  5. emaginette

    I love a good ghost story. waa-haa-haa

  6. Serena Dracis, Author

    Oh my! If the ghost in my house had been anything like the ones in yours, I’d probably never want anything to do with the supernatural! No wonder you moved.

    • deborahjhughes

      It was quite scary to me because I was so young, my mother, on the other hand, was fascinated by the whole thing. She did get annoyed but she wasn’t scared. Regardless of the interest our house began to generate among friends and family, it did become apparent to us that we couldn’t continue to live there with all the ghostly shananigans going on!! It all just made me want to understand and learn more and so I don’t regret any of it.

  7. Chris

    I was 20 years old living with my folkes down in the finished basement. I was taking a nap during the day. I thought I was dreaming when I felt the blankets get pulled down and the bed move. I sat up to see nothing around me. When I woke back up and looked the bed was away from the wall about 3 feet. I never slept there again. I will tell you this I don’t care what people say about there not being evil crap out there, I have seen it with my own eyes. My wife was so skeptical until we fell alseep one night to be awaken with the room ice cold and a dark figure in the corner.She screamed and I prayed out loud over and over the lords prayer. I was told later by a pastor this was the cause of my life being unbalanced and not right with God.

    • deborahjhughes

      Wow, Chris! What a creepy, scary experience! I’ve read (and believe) that the Lord’s Prayer is quite powerful, I always say it when doing anything involving the spirit world. I don’t know why spirits like to mess with us when we are in bed but I’m thinking it’s because when our minds are at rest, its easier for them to enter our world…it certainly is easier for us to notice their presence! Our active consciousness acts as a sort of barrier to them I think. It certainly keeps the majority of us from noticing anything unusual. The spirits that come around that feel “dark” and “icy cold” are the ones to be avoided at all costs. That’s what I think anyway. You are right, though, there certainly is a lot of “evil crap out there” and so our hearts and our focus needs to be in the right place if we plan on interacting with the spirit world. Thanks for sharing your experiences with us. Many blessings to you and your wife!


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Deborah J. Hughes

Author of the Tess Schafer-Medium series and other books with paranormal content (also some romance!)

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