Our Sixth Sense and its Important Role in our Life!

by | Jan 26, 2013 | Paranormal, Supernatural | 2 comments

chakrasI don’t know about you but when I hear the words “sixth sense” I always think about that movie in which those words “I see dead people” was made famous. But what is the sixth sense? The ability to see dead people? I think it’s more involved…more complex than that. Really, our sixth sense is often called “gut instinct” or “intuition”. It’s the feeling you get when someone is staring at you even though you don’t see anyone staring at you. It’s the feeling you get when you turn down a street that looks innocent enough and yet your gut is saying…turn around!! And when you ignore it, you are suddenly in a neighborhood surrounded by ruffians all wondering what the hell you think you are doing passing through THEIR turf! It’s the feeling you get when you KNOW something is wrong BEFORE the phone rings bringing bad news. So are you getting the gist of it? Most of you already know this…those of you that regularly read my blog anyway. More than likely you read the stuff I write because you are interested in spiritual matters.

The sixth sense we possess is our connection to the spiritual realm…to that of the “unseen” and the unsubstantiated. The things we get from our sixth sense are not often detected by our other five senses…our sight, our smell, our touch, our hearing, or our taste. When our sixth sense is activated, it is often felt in our solar plexus (which is also known in Eastern spiritual traditions as one of the seven Chakra locations present within the body (see image at beginning of this post). Because of its location, we often call it our “gut instinct”. We feel fear, anxiety, a heightened state of alert  – or heightened feelings of any emotion really – right there within the solar plexus…our gut. Fluttery feelings might be the first thing you notice…or a tightening. God has given us all we need to survive in this very difficult world…our sixth sense is a HUGE part of that survival!!

I find it interesting that so many of us ignore or don’t give much credit to our sixth sense. If any of us were to look back on situations where we “knew” or “felt” we SHOULDN’T have done something or SHOULD have done something but ignored the feeling and came to regret it…well, that was the sixth sense at work. When it’s ignored, we are not going to experience the BEST-for-our-own-good result. Our sixth sense is meant to HELP us…to make our life EASIER or BETTER in someway. It is not going to lead us down a bad road or encourage a bad decision.

The problem we have with the sixth sense is our Ego – that part of our personality that pretty much runs our life. Don’t get me wrong…we need our Ego in order to function in this world…but we shouldn’t let the Ego RUN OUR LIFE. The Ego is one of our major life challenges…it is the one thing we must learn to tame and yet often it is allowed to intensify and grow stronger! The Ego often overpowers the “gut instincts” and those “feelings” you get that you can’t explain but bug you anyway. Our Ego will tell us that we can’t trust our “gut”, that we must go with logic and leave those silly, unsubstantiated feelings out of the equation! Truly, I think a major lesson we humans must learn is to calm the Ego to a point that we can operate more from our spiritual centers (those 7 Chakras I just mentioned!). I think those who achieve this…the taming of the Ego (from which fear, anxiety, uncertainty and the like abide) will achieve a life that Jesus tried to convince us we were capable of living! Now I ask you…did Jesus overcome his Ego or what? And for those who don’t believe in Jesus…what about Buddha? Or Mother Theresa? Or Gandhi? You get the idea, I think.

It was my sixth sense that got me through those years in that haunted house I lived in. For children, the Ego is in infancy…it acts as mental reasoning and logic based on input from the five senses. It’s quite a necessary part of children because they don’t understand their gut instincts or intuitive feelings. When I was young and living in that haunted house, my Ego created a lot of fear for me. Remember…the Ego perpetuates that particular emotion. The Ego will pitch itself against anything we are getting from our sixth sense and often, especially as children, we go with the Ego. It’s a major hurdle to overcome when entering the consciousness we call “life”.

I sensed in that drafty old farm house, a PRESENCE. I couldn’t see it but I FELT it and it’s the most unnerving thing to experience! I often knew when they were around before anything concrete happened. They moved things, they shook things, they bothered the animals, they made the house cold, they made odd sounds, they opened and closed doors and perhaps most annoying of all…they HID things! Yeah, they were pretty active at times! But I learned to combat my fear to some extent with prayer.

When I was seven, I became friends with Lori and her family was very involved in the Catholic church. Although I remember my parents holding Sunday School for a time in my younger years, I hadn’t had much exposure to biblical teachings. Through my friend Lori, I learned about God and Jesus. As I grew up, I often went to church with Lori and her family and eventually was baptized a Catholic when I was eighteen. Lori and I liked to read bits of the bible and then get into deep discussions about our thoughts on what we read. We were fascinated by Jesus and all his miracles. She gave me a bible that had all of Jesus’ sayings outlined in red and I read every one of them! Thanks to my friendship with Lori, I was given the means to protect myself against the negative entities existing within that farm house! I prayed for God’s protection every time I felt them near and always, I was protected. Nothing bad ever happened to me or my family. That doesn’t mean they didn’t affect us or raise a bit of havoc. There were times when there was a lot of anger in our home and I think negative energy from the spirits residing there affected us emotionally. There were periods, for whatever reason, when the spirits were absent and it was always during these periods that we had the most joyful moments of our time there!

As I grew older and began to read more on Chakras and our power as spiritual beings, I have learned to overcome much of my fear. It is the one single emotion that we all experience and the one emotion we must all learn to conquer in our journey to become again the enlightened beings we once were. I could be wrong and way off base here but it is my belief that we…those of us living in this physical world…are the fallen angels spoken of in the bible. Our Egos have cut us off from our connection to God (some more so than others!) and we have forgotten who we really, truly are. We have forgotten that we are all the spiritual children of God, capable of great things (and NONE of it negative in any way!!!). And if you are thinking…no, we are NOT capable in any capacity to that which God can achieve, then that’s your Ego talking!! Yes, yes, I know…it could very well be MY ego believing such a thing. But here’s the kicker…the Ego houses and perpetuates fear, anxiety, uncertainty and the like…God does not! So why would my Ego tell me I am capable of doing something that would end up taming it once and for all? Now, just because I BELIEVE that doesn’t mean that I’ve ACHIEVED enlightenment! That’s another challenge we have to overcome…learning to accept, without a shadow of a doubt, the things we believe in. That’s where the “faith the size of a mustard seed” comes into play! If only our Egos would stop making us doubt! Dang it.

Life is a constant challenge. But I really think the harder it gets, the more God is trying to help us! An odd statement I know but let’s think about it for a minute. When is it that we learn the most and come out all the better for the experience? When we overcome an adversity in some way…when we solve a problem, when we vanquish negativity. I have traveled down some bumpy roads in life, let me tell you! I’ve had several bad relationships and dealt with some nasty situations involving family, friends, acquaintances and coworkers and I got through it all relatively unscathed. Most importantly, I LEARNED something from every situation and experience! I am today, as we all are right this very minute, the sum total of all that I have lived and experienced. In the end, it comes down to this…how we REACT to life situations determines how well we have learned a particular lesson and will then determine how well we live and prosper. If life for you is tough and unbearable, then there are lessons facing you that must be learned…try if you can to figure out what the lesson could possibly be and then ask for guidance on solving the problem (the angels…our spiritual guides, are always ready and willing to assist if you but ASK!).

Another thing we must do is protect ourselves from negative energy forces out to attack us. People will often come into our lives that mean absolutely NO GOOD for us. They mean to do harm in some way and you must learn to protect yourself from these kinds of people. They are a necessary evil…another lesson to learn!! It’s endless, these life lessons (and I’m heaving a huge sigh here!!).

spiritual energyNot long ago I had a dream (which I believe is another way for our spiritual self…our soul…to communicate with us) about an evil entity that was attacking my home. The entity was very bad and it meant us (me and my family) harm. I was not afraid of this entity but I was upset with it for coming into my home and causing disruption. Instead of cringing in fear or fighting back with anger, I decided to vanquish it from my home. I did this with prayer. I  asked for God’s protection and imagined God’s loving light…his glowing energy field of impenetrable protection…surrounding our home and my family. The negative energy grew strong with anger and tried to attack me. I drew from within me this incredible energy and with God’s help…we pushed the evil away. When I woke up, I couldn’t help but wonder why I would have a dream like that…profound and emotional though it was. Not a few days later, a negative person who has been slowly growing his evil towards us began his attack. Although my Ego initially took charge and I struck out with anger (which is very much a part of our Ego!), the only thing I achieved was increasing the attack against me (negative energy fighting negative energy only BUILDS more negative energy!! Please remember that!!). Once I managed to calm myself down, I immediately thought of my dream and realized that it was a warning and a solution to what was now occurring. So I calmed down and prayed for protection, trusting God to keep us safe from harm. I envisioned my home and my family as encased in God’s protective light and the evil receded. The picture to the left is the energy field that surrounds us…it is also called an aura! This energy field can be expanded to include whatever you choose to protect!

The only way to fight evil is WITH GOD. We cannot do it alone and we cannot do it with evil deeds of our own. It’s a tough lesson for our society today because everyone seems to be attacking everyone else!! It seems our Egos are growing stronger. But fear not! There’s a strong spiritual community growing among us. Right now it seems the scales are tipped toward Ego’s favor. You know that saying – “power corrupts”? I think it should be expanded on – “Egos growing in power corrupts absolutely!!

You know…I truly believe that those who give in to their Ego are aware of their “guts” telling them they are wrong to do or act or say or think what they do, but they ignore it. They dismiss it and try to close their minds to it. This is why our sixth sense is so important! We must learn to become more in tune with it…we must learn to trust it and recognize what it is trying to tell us. Our sixth sense is our one special gift from God. It is given to us to help us survive this often cruel, unforgiving world. It is God’s way of helping us learn our life lessons so that our souls may once again truly remember who we are…part of God – beautiful loving spiritual beings!!

So tell me…what do you think about all this? Have you had an experience with your “gut feelings” that you ignored and then wished you hadn’t? Have you ever “felt” something was about although you couldn’t see it? Are you going through tough times and dealing with negative people? How are you handling it? What are you learning? Please share!!

Until next time, many wonderful blessings to all and Peace Out!!!


  1. debrawattes

    Hi Deb, I came and visited your site. We have ‘stuff’ in common! My poetry book is free until 4th Feb. It’s old style poetry, but there is a poem in this book, I feel you would relate to. Check it out while its free. https://www.smashwords.com/books/view/279859 coupon code RP72U Poetry isn’t my strength, but I enjoy it. I hope you take the chance to read ‘My see through old dear’ Great to have connected with you. I’m sure we will have many discussions.

  2. Sowmya G

    Very interesting…Yes I have had many such experiences. Over the years I have learnt to trust my feelings and give them the power they deserve. I too believe they are there to help us, help our survival in this world. There have been few times, when I wasn’t sure and have doubted them. Now I am more certain. Thank you.



  1. Our Sixth Sense and its Important Role in our Life! - [...] Full Article Source [...]
  2. The Sense of Being Stared At and Other Aspects of the Extended Mind by Rupert Sheldrake « Rafferty's Rules - [...] Our Sixth Sense and its Important Role in our Life! (deborahjhughes.com) [...]

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Deborah J. Hughes

Author of the Tess Schafer-Medium series and other books with paranormal content (also some romance!)

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