Living Through Death and Coming Back Anyway

by | Feb 27, 2013 | Life after death, Near Death Experience, Past Lives, Spirit Communication | 11 comments

NDEI recently watched this video clip on Youtube that was posted in the blog Theosophy Watch and it really got me to thinking about the death experience and our reason for being here. I don’t know about you but I truly believe we live on after experiencing physical death. Our true essence is our “spirit” (our soul) and the soul cannot die. It’s been scientifically proven that we are beings of energy and energy cannot be destroyed. So there you have it!

Another thing is all the experiences countless millions (over the many years since humans walked the earth) have had involving ghosts, angels, near death experiences (NDEs), profound dreams, amazing spiritual phenomena, spirit contact, out of body experiences and so on. How can any of us say with certainty that dead is dead and that’s it? Honestly, the evidence stacked against that belief is too numerous to dismiss.

As for myself, I’ve experienced way too many of the above mentioned things to not believe in life after death. The one thing that has ever really bothered me most about “death” is those that happened violently. I just feel so awful for those people…imagining the horror and pain they must have endured before the relief of death. I would like to believe that even for them…the death experience was as peaceful as those who experienced a NDE have claimed it to be! Many spirits have claimed that their death wasn’t as bad for them as it seemed to us (the living). I guess we could liken it to the pain of childbirth (something I have experienced three times…without pain-killing drugs or epidurals!). As bad as the pain is…once the baby is out in the world, the pain is gone and all is forgotten. In fact, most of us (me!) were ready to do it again! I’d like to believe that even violent, painful deaths are like that. The memory like a bad dream that quickly fades into obscurity. In fact, I wouldn’t be surprised if the spirit leaves the body when the trauma becomes too bad to endure and so they don’t really experience the worst of it. It’s a nice thought.

As for the video. It seems in all NDEs, the person wanting to cross over is told it isn’t time and that they must come back. So this tells me that those who didn’t come back…CHOSE to stay “over there”. It was their time and they were ready to move on (whether their loved ones left behind like it or not, unfortunately!). My grandfather suffered a stroke and was in a coma for several days before it was decided to remove him from life support. I really believe Grampy WANTED to move on but there we all were (his eight kids and numerous grandkids…me included!) begging him to hold on. Even though the doctors claimed he was “brain dead” it was a tough decision to “pull the plug”. The worry is always there if they did the right thing. Well, I managed to contact my grandfather through the process of automatic writing (scoff if you want but it really works and is an excellent form of communication with the other side!!). Now, I didn’t know anything about Grampy being removed from life support. I was in the military at the time and had already returned to my base when that decision was made. The family decided not to tell me how “it all went down” because my mom knew I’d be mad and she didn’t want me to be upset with her (she signed the order giving permission for the hospital to do the deed). First thing my Grampy did was tell me to let my mom know they had made the right decision. He said it was what he wanted but they wouldn’t let him go and he felt guilty about wanting to move on. (When they let the hospital remove him from life support, he saw that as his family giving him permission to do what he wanted. And he went. Happily.) There was more to the message and none of it made sense to me. In fact, I didn’t even want to tell my mother about it because I thought it would upset her. But she wheedled it out of me and when she got upset, I said, “See? I told you you wouldn’t like it!” and she said, “But I do. It’s exactly what I needed to hear!” Now my Nana (she died 3 months after Grampy)…she went the way I want to go. She died in her sleep and I am sure it was a very peaceful process for her. Much as I hated to lose them (it devastated me!), I only want what makes them happy and they are happy “over there”. Besides, they visit me often, they keeps tabs on the family and I feel their love every time I think about them. In spirit there is no separation.

So anyway, I went to read the Theosophy Watch blog and watched this video and I thought it a great topic for my own blog so I’ve reposted the video here. Though it is one woman’s “death” experience and sounds like so many other accounts of NDEs…going through a tunnel, seeing a light, being greeted…it also had a little something new that I found intriguing. She was told to come back and be a “light” in the world. She says that those (who are open to the spirit world) act as anchors for the “light” (God?) to come into our physical world. I found that quite interesting. She sounds like such a nice lady. Her voice is peaceful and you know she isn’t making it up. She just isn’t. It’s a little over five minutes and well worth the watch! Check it out.

[wpvideo rVTIDpyW]

So what do you think? She certainly doesn’t make death sound terrible and even though she was going through a horrific thing (her husband was choking her to death), she made no mention of that. None of it mattered. Amazing.

Would love to hear your thoughts on this! Until next time…Blessings to all and Peace Out!


  1. Emma

    I like listening to people’s near death experiences. It’s comforting. There’s a man here in Ireland, Colm Keane, who wrote a book about them after his teenage son died. His father went all over Ireland after his son died, interviewing people who’d had near death experiences. His book is called “Going Home”. He appeared on The Late Late Show one night – it was fascinating to listen to.

    • deborahjhughes

      Thanks, Emma! I’ll be heading to Ireland in June, can’t wait!! And yes, this is very fascinating stuff!

  2. Caleb Pirtle

    Life is neither the great journey nor the great adventure. Death is.

  3. Patrick

    It’s the anchor of light here on earth that really stands out to me. Cool little video. Thank you!

    • deborahjhughes

      That was a really cool part for me too! Something new I hadn’t really thought of! Nice to see you, Patrick! Happy Ghost Hunting!

  4. Thomas Rydder

    I am SO jealous that you get to go to Ireland….such a spiritual country – so connected to and grounded with its ancestry. Um…I’m a great cook, and I do windows 🙂
    I too believe in the afterlife, ghosts, and the spirits of those that have past being around us. Not from any abject fear of death, and needing to believe there’s something after (though that is very comforting), but just because there’s far too much evidence to believe otherwise.
    Wonderful article, Deborah…duly blogged, tweeted, faced, googled, linked, stumbled and tumbled 🙂

    • deborahjhughes

      Thanks, Thomas!! I am so excited about Ireland it’s hard to contain myself! You can be sure I’ll be posting a blog about my experiences while over there. I saw a psychic once…many, many years ago who told me I had to go to Ireland and that there was a church over there in particular that I needed to visit. I never thought it would be possible for me to get to Ireland and so now I’m hoping I find this church!! Sounds like we share a lot of beliefs! Excellent! Thanks for sharing. Blessings to you, my friend!

      • Thomas Rydder

        We do, indeed. Don’t know if I told you, but my wife and I bought a digital recorder and a couple flashlights. When the weather warms up, there are several dozen locations here in Charleston that are well-known to be haunted. We’ll see what we get. 🙂
        You go over there and have a ball!


        • deborahjhughes

          I do hope you share your experiences with us! I went ghost hunting with the Maine Ghost Hunters and it was really a lot of fun! We even communicated with the spirits with our flashlights! I wrote a post about different ways to contact spirits a while back…Eight Ways to Contact the Dead. Charleston is supposed to be a very haunted city! But then, I think ghosts are everywhere!! Good luck.

  5. Barb

    I don’t believe in the “New Age” beliefs, but I am a Christian and yes, I do believe we live on after death. Where we put our faith determines where we will live after death.


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Deborah J. Hughes

Author of the Tess Schafer-Medium series and other books with paranormal content (also some romance!)

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