Encountering Ghosts and Vanquishing Them!

by | Jul 26, 2013 | Hauntings, Paranormal, Spirit Communication, Supernatural | 25 comments

Vanquishing Ghosts (Amazon)In honor of my FOURTH book publication, I thought I’d write a blog post that goes along with my newest book…Vanquishing Ghosts! I’m excited to share this one (as I am all my books) because I feel my characters are really coming into their own now. Having Tess and Kade (the Heroine and Hero) get past their emotional “garbage” and get on with it was a lot of fun to write (and somewhat embarrassing…I felt like such a VOYEUR at times…no wonder Kade was worried about that!) Aside from the romance element, I really wanted to address the issue of having ghosts…nasty ones, not so nice ones…and what to do about it. I wanted to show, through Tess’s problem with her own evil ghost that NOTHING can’t be handled. Nothing.

My blog post 12 Signs a Ghost is Near has been getting a LOT of hits lately. Seems the issue of ghosts plagues many of us! The world of the supernatural/paranormal is a vast unknown … a final frontier we all will one day traverse and yet few of us know anything about. I am just as curious as the next person on what life in the “beyond” is all about. I don’t blame people for searching for answers…I am doing the same thing!

I honestly believe that my stories are channeled from spirit. I don’t plan them and yet they all work out perfectly. Half the time, I’ve no idea what I’m going to say until I say it! I’m sure most writers will say the same. We just “plug” into “something” and a story emerges. Pretty cool.

So anyway…I’ve received a lot of messages asking about various incidents involving spirit interactions and I thought I’d address some common ones here!

If you encounter sudden smells that can’t be explained (nothing around to account for them) then you might be encountering someone from spirit! Often those in the spirit world can create a smell as a way of letting you know they are around. For instance, if someone you loved has died that loved to smoke, you might smell a cigarette or maybe they had a special perfume/cologne they wore…you might smell that. OR, they might have been known for their love of lilacs…you might smell that. One person wrote that she smelled burned candles…as if someone had just blown them out. Although she couldn’t associate candles with the person she thought it might be, I thought it quite appropriate that she smell that. It’s a well-known custom for people to light candles for those who are now in spirit…a way for those of us still in the physical world to send prayers of blessings to loved ones in the “beyond”. Reversing the process from the spirit world (creating the smell of a candle blown out) is a great way for them to let their living loved ones know that all is well. Many of us associate various smells/aromas with people so it’s a great spiritual interaction!

If you hear your name being called and yet no one is around to be calling your name…well then you might be encountering someone from spirit! Hearing your name from seemingly “nowhere” is quite common as well. Many, many of us can think of a time or two when we thought someone was calling us…and yet no one was doing so that we could SEE. This happens especially at night, just as you are falling asleep. Our busy mind is relaxing and the ever vigilant ego (our waking consciousness) is dozing off, laxing on the job, and allowing spirit to come through! Though the “sound” of our name SEEMS to be vocal…most often it is coming from “within” (inside our head!). Those in spirit connect to us through our thoughts quite often but many of us dismiss the interaction as their “imagination” getting out of hand. Here’s a secret…it’s not. Our imagination is the KEY to getting INTO the spirit world!!

If you hear knocking sounds then you might be encountering someone from spirit! I’m not sure WHY those in spirit can generate a knock but it seems that they can and they do it often! In fact, the Spiritualism movement was founded on this very thing! Look up the Fox Sisters and see what you get!! Be sure of this…if you hear someone knocking and yet no one is “there”…someone is there and looking to get your attention! Who comes to mind when you wonder who it might be? No doubt THAT is who is trying to get your attention!! Again, our thoughts and feelings are quite connected to the spiritual realm so if a sudden thought or a “feeling” comes to you on the issue…then you can pretty much go with it.

If you feel a sudden chill or sudden warmth then you might be encountering someone from spirit! Cold spots are common but many people experience the opposite affect…they feel a sudden warmth. I’m not sure why they generate cold or heat but it’s a common phenomena. Cold spots are more prevalent but I think that’s because the energy taking place is different. We are all beings of energy…and we return to pure energy when our physical form (a very LOW form of energy) falls away (dies…aka TRANSFORMS). Lowering our energy creates cold…speeding it up creates warmth! Many hauntings involve cold spots because spirits haunting a place are trying to lower their energy in order to interact within our realm of existence (the 3rd dimension of the physical world!).  Warm spots are generated when those in spirit are sending out love (a very HIGH form of energy!!). And no…I am not saying that cold spots are negative. Though they CAN be…mostly they are just a spirit’s way of slowing down their energy in order to interact with us.

If you feel someone tap your shoulder (or anywhere on your person for that matter) and yet no one is around…well, you are probably encountering someone from spirit! Now…this is only a way for them to get your attention. They aren’t trying to frighten you or hurt you. Unfortunately, getting “touched” by someone who isn’t “there” is pretty scary!! If it happens to you and you don’t like it…TELL them! They can hear you (your THOUGHTS are loud and clear to them…when you are DIRECTING your thoughts to them that is!). Those in spirit can’t randomly pop in your head and monitor your thoughts. But if you are thinking about them…even if it’s “was that a SPIRIT touching me?!”…then they’ll hear that because you are directing it to them!  And most of the time if you ask them to stop bothering you…they will.

If a picture or an item belonging to someone that has passed into spirit suddenly falls from it’s spot or keeps popping up…then you are probably encountering someone from spirit! Having a picture fall off the wall or suddenly show up somewhere unexpected is another common occurrence. This is definitely that person’s way of letting you know they are around!! And no…they aren’t doing it to freak you out…they are trying to reassure you they are alive and well!!

If you dream about someone who has passed into spirit then you are most probably encountering a spirit!! The spirit realm can easily meet with us in the dream state! Now…nightmares don’t count. Dreams that scare you are often fears you are harboring manifesting into your dreams…playing out your worries sort of speak. But if you dream about talking with someone who is now residing in spirit and it seemed so “real” then it was! I dream of my grandparents often. I even say to them “but you’re dead!” and they always reassure me that they most certainly are NOT dead!! (smile) I love those dreams.

If your pet or a young child (babies especially!) act like they are seeing something that you can’t see…then you are probably encountering someone from spirit! Babies still have their ‘spiritual eyes” (those that can see into the spirit realm) and animals are very sensitive to a spirit’s presence! If you see babies that seem to be watching something with their eyes that amuses them…then they are most likely getting entertained by angels or loved ones who have come from spirit to visit with them!

If your electrical equipment goes a little crazy…turns on or off or some such thing…then you may be encountering someone from spirit! Again, spiritual beings are pure energy and they can easily affect the energy around you! In fact, their higher rate of energy often is too much for weaker forms of energy…such as light bulbs…and thus a lot of light bulbs are blown when spirits are around.

If doors open or close, rocking chairs rock, toys suddenly activate, things start moving that shouldn’t be moving…well you are probably encountering someone from spirit. They use their energy to move lower forms of energy…physical objects. Now again, they are doing so not to frighten you but to let you know, however they can, that they are there! Alive, well, happy!!

If a sudden thought pops in your head…out of seemingly nowhere…then it might be spirit trying to contact you!

Now all these instances are just SOME of the ways in which those in spirit try to connect with us. Most of the time they are not doing it to frighten you. But really…how else are they supposed to get through? You’ve trained your minds to not see them (something we must do or it’s hard to function in our world) so they do what they must, what they can to get through. None of these things are hurtful. Scary yes. Hurtful? No.

Many people write to me telling me they’ve experienced one or more of these things and they wonder if they should be worried, concerned or scared. I say no to all the above! I understand that their worry is that the activity will worsen…become harmful, but here’s the thing…it MOST of the time does not! Very rarely do things escalate on a negative scale. So if it does…that’s when it’s time to be worried, concerned and scared. But most of these sorts of interactions as described in this post are done by benevolent spirits…the good guys!

Oh…here’s a good way to keep an eye out for messages from spirit: notice the signage that suddenly comes into your sphere of observation…be it a roadway sign, a license plate or whatever. For instance: I was thinking about my grampy Lafayette one day and missing him. I asked him to let me know he was around and SECONDS later this car comes speeding around me (I was just about to pull away from the take-out window at McDonald’s) and guess what was on his license plate? Yup…LAFAYETTE!! Coincidence? I think NOT. Answers to questions can often come to us in this way!! Be ever vigilant!!!

Negative entities do exist. They bring about very negative experiences…nauseating smells, dizziness (they draw in too much oxygen or mess up the chemical mix needed for our comfort), pain. I often tell people that a negative spirit is going to leave them in NO DOUBT as to the fact that they are negative. The fact you feel FEAR does not a bad experience make! We all feel that when encountering the unknown. So even if your very loving gramma suddenly wrapped her spirit arms around you and you felt her warmth, smelled her perfume and felt her tug on your hair like she always used to do…you are probably going to feel fear. So in this instance, even love can create fear. So thinking along the lines of “But I was SCARED! That must mean it was evil!” is NOT a good argument.

Now, if you have ghosts and you don’t want to have ghosts…here are some things you can try to get rid of them:

1. Go room to room and say a prayer of blessing…doesn’t have to be any special words, whatever comes to mind…keep it simple. God, the Universe, Allah…whatever your belief…they KNOW what your intention is so you don’t need to explain it to them!

2. Light a candle when saying your prayer (but NOT required…just a nice touch…more for YOU than for the ghosts!). The candle represents LIGHT…positive energy! After you’ve said your blessings, leave the candle for awhile or blow it out and give thanks for the divine assistance!

3. Light sage…any sort of dried sage will do! The smoke from the burning sage will eliminate negative energy! This is called “smudging”. The practice of smudging has been used for centuries! Just walk about the room and let the smoke permeate the air! Also…if a particular area or item is believed to be causing the problem…allow the smoke to wash over the item or area!

4. Light incense! Frankincense is a good one but really, most all incense promotes positive energy! Go to a metaphysical store and check out their properties (what they are known to help with!) and get the ones you need! You can also look up incense properties on line to figure out which ones to get.

5. Use your imagination (a GREAT source for spiritual interactions!!). Imagine a light filling the room…chasing away all shadows and washing over everything…penetrating every object in the room…to include the ceiling, the walls and the floor! This light is spiritual in nature and very positive! By imagining it infusing a room or object, you are cleansing it of negative energy and infusing it with positive forces!!

6. Place an item that means something to you spiritually in the room…a cross, angel figurines, pictures of angels, saints, Jesus, a Buddha statue! A pentagram (ensure one star is pointing UP!)…anything that you think of as representing God, the Universe, or whatever your belief.

7. If you feel like something is around and you don’t want it there…imagine a light surrounding you (protection). This light WILL keep you safe from negative spirits! Then tell the spirit to leave…BLESS the spirit and send it on its way. Cast out your imaginary light to encase the room around you! If it’s a good spirit (maybe someone who loves you and is hoping to make contact), the light won’t hurt them but they will get the message that you are not comfortable having them around and they will honor your request to leave!

Honestly, it’s that simple. I think we have this mind-set that everything has to be hard and complicated. But in truth…most things are quite simple. For whatever reason…we have a hard time accepting SIMPLE solutions. In fact, my character Kade has a major problem with it! He just doesn’t understand the power of spirit. But he’s getting it…with Tess’s help! (smile)

So hope this helps!! Most all this stuff is included in my book Vanquishing Ghosts by the way! I know…a shameless plug but hey, I’m quite proud of it!

Until next time…many blessings to all and Peace Out!


  1. Emma

    Interesting post. I always enjoy reading your blog.
    Good luck with the new book, Emma.

    • deborahjhughes

      Thanks so much Emma!! Every book is a creation from spirit and I’m always excited to share them!! The world sure is a mysterious place isn’t it? Thanks for stopping by!! Blessings!

      • Deborah

        Oh man dose some of this ring true, I am a sensitive myself and belong to a group of mediums, healers and the like , yes a spiritualist group and I have been embroiled in a very very negative haunting for 3 yrs now complete with video and audio evidence and yes its a shadow thing, and its intent is very bad, and seems to be targeted on me, yet evvery one oin this 3 family home has been impacted over the yrs, death, sickness financial ruin constant arguing, my landlords have seen it yrs ago in basement, and I because I have abilities sense it overwhelmingly and in fact cannot go near basement, i and my animals sense it i have lost 2 cats this year to a mysterious illness a yr apart only the females i was closest to were affected not the males the female uused to hiss and growl at it so i snapped photos then and boy did i get a shock, i am currently working with a world class amazing medium friend who came here last week for the first time and the second she stepped nto basement every single light started to flash rapidly and would not stop till she left. later that night i was attacked psychically in a very bad way but i was able to block most of it my priests have been aiding me as they agree i have something awful here, i am at my wits end 3 house blessings have not worked, although they only did my apt and basement next the whole house must be done top to bottom so it cant hide, they will do a house exorcism this time and this thing can travel the mediums have informed me it visits my mother whome comes to our spiritualist group and also has some sensitivity she is also a huge source of help and support so the mediums say she is also a target but we already knew iot travels lights blink off and on wherever i go, also everyone here has experienced sleep paralysis and I dream of spirit all the time since childhood but nothing like this, i am attacked every night my cats follow something always behind me with big fearful eyes, and i experience its negativity i thought at first it was panic attacks but no its not i feel its intent and the mediums also agree thats what it is they say i am a powerful medium i just dont know it yet seems right as i see and feel a lot around spirit and experience visions a lot too anyway thats my plight any suggestions? the mediums do agree all 22 that thi sis indeeed a rare demonic thing and only faith will work i do use light and prayer every day all the time and candles i have blessed from church blessed saly holy water etc yet it still comes…have photos if u would like me to forward in e mail..thanks and by the way my birth name is Deborah A Hughes lol..my fathers name was Hughes Peace Love and Light! Debbie

        • deborahjhughes

          Hi, Debbie! Interesting that we have the same first and last name!! I guess that means we share some qualities for in numerology our first and last names reveal some of our traits and challenges! Sounds like you have a particularly nasty spirit clinging to you! I’m so sorry. It must be awful to have to deal with that. But, there’s a reason for everything and once you figure it out, it will be done and over with. Sensitive people are particularly targeted by all entities because, of course, they are trying to come through into our dimension…for whatever reason. The “good” spirits are usually just trying to reach loved ones and pass on a message but the bad ones…well, they were bad in physical life and death hasn’t improved the situation! There are some entities, though, that have never lived in physical life but they still love wrecking havoc in our world just because they enjoy the fear it creates.

          Fear feeds negativity and anger at the entities feeds the negative energy as well. It’s hard not to feel those emotions…fear, resentment and anger… they are disrupting your life! One thing that can help you is to ensure YOU are in a good place. The better you are about yourself…feeling safe and secure and KNOWING you don’t deserve the negative energy bombarding you will help combat its effectiveness. CONSTANTLY keep your light of protection glowing around you. Send out BLESSINGS to the entity for the expression “kill them with love” actually packs quite a punch! Ask your angels to help protect you and to assist in sending it away! They don’t just jump in … they need to be asked!! Place things of high spiritual value around your home and above your bed. Whatever means something to YOU. I have angel figurines and lots of rocks and gems (all have metaphysical energy that help boost the energy field around them!) Rose Quartz would be a good one to have. Also, a pentagram is a very POSITIVE symbol and can exude strong energy. I have a pentagram necklace that I love to wear and things have really been looking up lately! Burn incense…Frankincense is great! Surround yourself with as much POSITIVE energy as you can and always before going to sleep at night, pray for protection. There is no force greater than love. Just remember that! I wish you all the best and send loads of positive energy along with this response. Many blessings to you and to your home and to all those who live within it. Also, blessings to the spirits bothering you! There, let them stew in some positive energy for awhile!! Glad you are keeping in touch with people who can help you. Keep it POSITIVE.

          • debbie(The other Hughes lol)

            Well your comments have brightened my outlook much ty! I just got a call from my landlady who has the unfortunate issue of living right above where this “being” resides, and she was hysterical, earlier today I was down at her house which I hate to do as much as I adore her because it means I must pass the doorless basement to get there and believe me this “Being” does not want me there at all! I get a terrible feeling, mostly when any spirit is around the left side of my body reacts its so weird, feels like a spider or something on the lefy side of my scalp and body thats all i can describe it as a tingling creepy crawky feeling, then my left ear may ring as well, and my chest tightens and so on anyway i was down there and she has much religious icons around like I do we are both Catholic well I was admiring several rosaries she had and she said she was going to pick one out to give me, well several hours passed and as i said she just called very upset and terrified she said for some reason all afternoon she had the idea that she should give me her white rosary its in a white box, but when she tried to call me to tell me she was having issues calling me she felt a block i said first the reason the white one is so in your mind is because someone wants you to give it to me, someone good i said, thats the one for whatever reason you are supposed to gift me, and the basement unwanted resident is equally sure I should not have it, the whole time we spoke of this unwanted thing and the rosary the phhone was going crazy i have experienced this many times before with my mom, priest and the mediums, its always trying to interfere with anyone who helps me or brings me light and hope. So i told her all you can do is pray pray and do not give in now she is a very sickly frail lady in her 50s who can barely walk, well she threatened to go down and confront it! I said NO NO NO please do not do that do not! She insisted she had to I said no Linda that would be the worst thing you could do, you cannot fight this alone and never ever confront it without protection and never ever go down alone i said yoiu will only anger it and make it worse for us all, she listened thank god, any suggestions? I was attacked badly last time i brought a medium over believe me i am punished when i do certain things or it tries, i blocked most of it, i think what must be done is what i said bring the priests and do a top to bottom house blessing again, i do use holy water salt sage and holy oil it does help some, am working on rose quarts and frankencense, I dont know what to do, nights are bad for me i am alone here, and it takes all my strength and lots of prayer and some times valume for panic attacks i have been having nightmares again and i get woken up everynight by “something” but i grab my bible and pray and it works often, the bad horrible feeling comes late at night and I feel I am being warned and some times “observed” am tired of my animals being frightened most of all. what is my next move? whatevers going on it is NOT human never was and wants nothing but misery and negativity, I saw it for the first time the other night btw my cat and i both saw it at the same time, was a black mist saw it 3 times moving around the room cant tell you how unsettling that was! Need more advice if you have any! Thanks Debbie # @ lol

          • deborahjhughes

            Do you attend a Spiritualist church? Is there one near you perhaps? You can Google it to find out the locations of the nearest one to you. I think in your situation it might be beneficial to check one out. There are some great people there that might be able to help you! I’m just not sure. Other than when I was in that haunted house I lived in that had one negative entity among a few nice ones, I haven’t encountered much in the way of bad spirits! (and now I’m knocking on wood to make sure that statement stays unchanged!). I do wish you the best and ask my angels to help you out!! blessings!

          • debbie(The other Hughes lol)

            as I indicated in my previous comment I do belong to a group of mediums, healers and the like, yes we are a spiritualist group there are pstors, from several spiritualist churches that join us, we meet 3 days a week since we have grown in popularity we all donate our time free oof charge to give readings and healings we have 20- 30 mediums and healers that show up to donate time, the oonly thing we must do is bring new people to the group each week for readings and such, we love to bring light and happiness to people, this group changed my life , yes they know whats happening have sensed it and seen it, and all agree its terribly dark and negative and none of them know how to deal with it and some are even frightened, they say they never ever suggest religion but they are all in agreement that the only way to deal with whatever this is is through my faith and my church as I am Catholic and a practicing one, I have had 2 house blessings but only my apt and basement, so that was little help, I thtought the Bishops office of my diocese was put in touch with a priest who is an exorcist he has seen my photos and audio and agreed I have a problem, so he and 3 other priests had me meet them at a church and performed what they called the firdt line of defence on me it was scary and a long ceremony, but as I suspected did nothing only enraged it, they said if this didnt work they would do more depending on what happens and what they feel needs to be done, this house needs to be exprcised top floor to bottom, the last few days its gotten way way worse now the third floor tennants are experiencing issue as well as my poor landlady, she called me yesterday hysterical again she says she feels something terrible and she is afraid its trying to hurt her, tonight again she was in tears and i told her what she must do she is also very catholic, its getting worse and the mediums have told me quite clearly its a demon, some of our mediums are very well known and almost all are professional people who do NOT advertize their abilities, we are a quiet group and I must say some are truly gifted, and dead on accurate, i had one over 2 weeks ago for the first time she went in basement and it did not go well the lights all of them went insane, it happens on all floors now and i dont know, after what happened with my medium friend i can only guess what will happen witht he priests, but i am positive with all my senses its what must be done, I see, sense and feel it, very strong every night it comes and every night i feel its negativity, same time too, some nights are better than others but i know when its here for the first time a few nights ago i saw it finally saw it, usually i just see black sparkle like spots that pop in and out on walls, but this time it was a black mist and cat saw it too same time i did, was crazy, i dunno what the hell is here but i do know its been here a long timelong time, i am doing my best to hold it together , jesus its still so crazy to me, like i am living a horror movie which i am. What do I do? The medium that came said it was blocking her, she wanted to get closer, she zeroed right in on where i know it resides too but when the lights went nuts i made her leave i was afraid for her.I am at a loss, Whatever it is, its dangerous very, and intelligent and most def not human spirit

          • deborahjhughes

            Hi, Debbie! I’m so sorry you are dealing with this. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be dealing wish such an evil entity! The haunted house I lived in had one bad spirit there but the other spirits kept it from causing any harm. Have you tried wearing a pentagram for protection? They are very strong spiritual symbols and very protective spiritually! At least it can keep YOU safe. If the church is involved, then they have had experience with this sort of thing and you must trust them to help you. You can have all your medium friends hold a special prayer meeting for you and have them send healing energy to your home…from another location! Really…in spirit, space and time doesn’t mean anything but having them be away from the source of negative energy will help keep them safe from harm. You do need to do a top to bottom…every single room and every item in it blessing. But, it could be the ground the house is on that’s the problem. The only way to combat evil is with love and light (God). Will keep you in my prayers. Please keep in touch and let me know how it goes. I’ll have to have you as a guest on my blog someday (if you are willing, of course) so you can share your story and maybe help others who might experience something similar. Many blessings to all of you and to your home.

          • debbie(The other Hughes lol)

            sure that would be wonderful, I am also an investigator as well and I do have compelling video and pictures I would share with you personally as theres no way to guarantee it will not be shared, its no joke and the pics are quite terrifying.I appreciate the help truly, I am writing a book about all this as well, its worse and worse every day and at this point I am trying to just deal with it, this priest is very busy as he is the only one for the whole diocese that does this sort of thing but I am patient and am fighting with light always always and of course heavy prayers, holy water and blessed oil and salt, we will see how this ends, I am so tired of it all but am not giving up, ever!!

          • deborahjhughes

            How are things going for you, Debbie? I’ve been most curious and praying for you!! Sending lots of blessings along with this message. Whenever you are ready to guest on my blog, let me know!!

          • Deborah

            Ready when you are just let me know!

  2. Cheyenne

    Hi,this has been happening sense i was little,and i just want this to get this off my chest if its just my imagination or not.
    I was maybe 8 or 9 i would see a child sitting from upstairs stairing at me,i thought i was just imagining things so i ignored it,it was late at night,me and my sister
    who sleep in the same room turned off the light and went to bed.I was sleeping until i felt like something was putting pressure on me and i coudnt breath,I wake up still feeling that pressure
    and i tried breathing slowly and it slowly goes away.This happens sometimes only when im sleeping in the dark,as i got a little older it stopped.On my way home from school,i tried to open the front door
    but it was locked, thought maybe mom forgot to unlock it,I was gonna ring the door bell but then suddenly the door opens.I thought maybe mom or my brother opened it but then when i went inside no one was there.
    Then i turned 13,I realized I felt something was watching me only in my room,I would hear footsteps sometimes,the light in my room will flicker,I was scared and hoping it would go away and it did.Then I turned 14,late at night,I was
    sleeping with the lights off,I was dreaming watching myself asleep but then i noticed there was also someone else watching me sleep,it was a old woman with blond hair.I had a bad feeling about her,i kept Staring at myself asleep cause i didnt
    know what she would do if i stared at her,but i tryed to take a peek at her and there she was staring at me,I woke up in fear.And thats when my phobia started that i would not sleep in the dark.Then suddenly it all stoped but i still felt something
    was still watching me.Then i decided to take a long nap cause i felt tired suddelly,i fell asleep but i forgot to turn on the light.Then i wake up,its already night time and the room is dark.Then I saw A black shadow shaped like a man staring at me,I thought
    maybe it was all in my head so i tryed to blink myself awake but he was still there,I was scared but i didnt make a sound,then he slowly disappeared.Then i got out of bed making sure he wasnt there and turned on the lights.Now im 15,and i still have that
    feeling that someone is watching me.Late at night I was on my laptop,my sister is asleep and suddely i heard a growl.On a different day I was watching T.v downstairs with my dog Kassy,Suddenly she started growling and barking,and it looked like she was staring at something I coudnt
    see and she didnt want it near me.I tried to calm her down but she was still growling,after one minute later she stopped.Then last night i was on my laptop and i heard my name like someone whispered it in my ear.
    Im sorry if it was long.

    • deborahjhughes

      Hi Cheyenne! You are at an age when spirit activity seems to occur a lot! Especially with girls though it happens with boys as well. I’m not sure if something activates during that time frame or what is going on. I know when I was that age, I really experienced a LOT. Much of it scared me because I didn’t understand any of it. Now, your fear will create bad dreams and that doesn’t mean any of it will come true or that you have something bad after you … it is just your mind acting out your fears. Now, it could be that you feel watched because you are aware of your guardian angels for they are with us always. Allow yourself to think about THEM … your angels and you will feel calm settle over you. Always ask them to keep you safe and they will! They can’t interfere with our life unless we ask them and then they can give us their assistance. It could be because you are in a “sensitive” mode that some negative entities might come around…thus your dog reacting…but you can easily send them on their way and keep things positive and safe around you. The following post is about getting rid of spirits but it also offers suggestions on things you can do to infuse some positive energy in and around you. Just know that in this life, YOU are in charge! The pressure is spirit trying to communicate and you resisting it. Just tell spirit (mentally is fine!) to go away and then ask for God’s blessing and protection. If you want to develop your ability (which sounds like you could easily do!) then do some research on the internet … POSITIVE sites only! I have a few suggestion on my blog on where you can go. Sending you blessings! Good luck. Here’s the link you should check out: http://deborahjhughes.com/2013/07/26/encountering-ghosts-and-vanquishing-them/

      • Cheyenne

        thanks! that helped alot 🙂

  3. Charlianne

    Hello,I don’t know how too start this but I have a few questions and stories 🙂 My first encounter would be at my fathers office. The office used too be a bakery then a house the people who owned it before even said it was haunted before my dad had bought it.The radio changes to classical when ever Its put on a station my dad even bought a new radio because he was convinced it was broken but I still did the same thing…A picture used too be hung and ebvery morning when he would come back it would be on the ground turned to the wall so It couldn;’t be seen he gave up and threw it out, my father has seen a classy woman probaly from the fourtys standing by the fire place threw the window when he drove by, he even drove back by it too see if it still was there and it wasn’t Iv’e even tried talking too it but no response I’m quite calm abut these kind of things and i have no clue why…Your supposed to be freaked out right?When we moved into a house that the pervious owners were quick too get rid of my older brother told us of the upstairs bedroom opening at night,I just shrugged it off one time when I was on the computer upstairs the cd thing opened and closed yet i didn’t touch it thats the only time ive ever been scared of a ghost yet it most likely wasn’t a ghost but my knee hitting the button… just recently I was on the computer again and the bedroom door opened yet I just turned too the door a smiled and said hi and returned to my doings…I still have no clue why I reacted so calmly like I was used too it,another time the upstairs bathroom door was swinging back in fourth as if a child was playing with it as I used too and every other kid, I simply said “Hi,im just ganna stand up and check the bathroom if you don’t mind” And I slowly made my way over there yet nothing was there, I just shrugged it off like it was no big deal, I often here footsteps from upstairs yet my brother is at a friends house, and my dad says when hes alone he heres footsteps and talking. At my mothers house Iv’e noticed just a week ago that my dog barks threw the window at absoulutly nothing sometimes even a growl and whine. She stares at the wall as if somethings there and i’m home alone when she did this today but it isn’t the first time l’ve seen her like this, i simply turn too the direction shes looking at and smile as if saying hello, my cat stares randomly too and I’ve been thinking that maybe that the woman or man points outside too my dog as if trying too scare away another thing in my neighbors window or just outside walking,yet our neighbors are really bad people so maybe shes trying too help?The lady before my mothers house said that a older girl ghost ocuppies the place, and the first time we moved in I couldn’t find the remote when I was alone and called my mother and complained yet right when she came home she said did you look in your room I walked in and the remote was in the middle of the floor the most obvious place…I simply said out loud could you not do that and it never happened again.Sometimes i hear my name being called when I’m taking a bath yet no effect on me? My friend claims too see dead people and I belive her, I thinkt he reason I’m not afraid is because Iv’e made up a imagined safe bublle around my house and friends house that keeps ghost away and It calms me.One more thing About a year ago i used too sleep with the door open and I would wake up in the middle of the night only when my door was open as if I was awoken by a presence. I am thirteen by the way…am I anything?or just someone whos not afraid?

    • Charlianne

      I also have no nightmares havent had one sense over a year….

    • deborahjhughes

      Hi Charlianne! Pretty name by the way! Well, it’s a good thing you are not afraid because there isn’t anything to be afraid of. Many people are afraid of the spirit world but most of the time they mean no harm to us at all! Evil entities do exist but its not common and unless some serious stuff was happening, what’s there to be afraid of? Right? So, you are handling it really well! Animals can certainly see what we cannot. So they are good indicators if something is around. If they indicate someone from spirit is around, then do what you said…put a protective bubble around you…I imagine light because negative energy cannot enter into light…be it imagined or real! Sending light out into the room also keep them out of the room. Putting a light around the whole house is great too! I do this during lightning storms because, believe it or not, they scare me!! (my house was hit 3 times by lightning when I was young…on the nights when I forgot to put the protection up!!) So, anyway, I totally believe that we can and do have the power to protect ourselves and whatever else we want to protect. So, if spirits are operating within the light…inside your protective zone, then you know they are good spirits and you have nothing to fear. In fact, many a ghost has helped save lives! My aunt had a ghost in her house that woke her up when the house caught fire…saved her, my uncle and my five cousins!! Spirits are quite active around teenagers..especially girls! I’m not sure why. So, yes of course you are someone special and it’s great you are not afraid! Keep doing what you’ve been doing. Many blessings to you!

  4. Matt

    For about a year now ive been hearing noises in my bedroom at night. It sounds like someone or something is rubbing on the carpet. I used to sleep with my dog and a couple of times my dog would be staring at “something” and would sometimes even growl. Over this summer it stopped happening for some reason. But it has started again. Should I be worried??

    • deborahjhughes

      Hi, Matt! It’s a strange thing when we notice something that we can’t quite explain and then it goes away for awhile…and then comes back! That happened at the haunted house I lived in. We had long periods of peace but then suddenly they would be back! Not sure what makes them come and go like that. In any case…I wouldn’t say that you need to be worried. Nothing MORE has happened…right? When you do notice it though…say a blessing for whatever is making the sound. Saying and thinking about blessings increases positive energy and that’s always a good thing to have in any case! It doesn’t sound like it’s a negative spirit if that’s what it is. The fact your dog responded tells you that it isn’t your imagination! The fact that the dog has growled at it doesn’t mean it’s evil. He just understands that there’s a strange energy in the room that he doesn’t recognize. I’ve never heard of anyone hearing rubbing noises so that’s a new one on me! Spirit is a curious thing. Does any thoughts come to you while it’s happening? Spiritually we know what’s going on and our thoughts reflect what our spirit knows.

  5. Deborah

    I have been trying to ignore things for the most part, but this entity d=finds was to let me know its always around, yesterday I opened the freezer, I was wrapping meat up to freeze and left freezer open as I did this, and out of the corner of my eye I saw freezer light blink( common occurance witth lights here) and I ignored it, but this time it started blinking rapidly lol and I still ignored it. A few weeks ago I kept being woken by the CO2 detector in the kitchen, there was no corbon monoxide, it was happening between about 11:30-12 every night, I would step in the room and say yes I know your here and it would stop! This is one you plug in the wall not battery operated, it has a backup battery but I even took that out!

  6. A.d. Duling

    Hi Deborah!

    My family just had a knocking experience! You know I love your spirit shares and congrats on your 4th book! Always a fan!

    • deborahjhughes

      It’s pretty cool when it happens but a little freaky at the same time! Thanks for the support on my books!! I’m actually getting ready to release book 4 of the Tess Schafer-Medium series…Rosemary’s Ghosts. The entire story came to me in a flash of inspiration…I figure spirit is helping out a lot. Thanks for stopping by…blessings to you!

  7. Megan

    I’m not sure if this will be seen, as I know this post was created awhile ago, but I figured it was worth a shot. I had something strange/interesting happen to me almost a year ago now that I still can’t quite shake. I had been exploring an old abandoned elementary school (at least 10 years), and I was in a room filled with lots of natural sunlight viewing abandoned library books when suddenly I got this feeling that someone was watching me, or was in the room with me. I was really not something I could explain. I was completely alone in the school. I tried to shrug off the feeling and chalk it up to it just being a creepy abandoned old school, but a few seconds later I smelled this smell out of nowhere, like smoke from a candle after it had just been blown out. I remember glancing around the room looking to see if anything had been set on fire somehow and it was still, silent, the rays of sun shining through the broken glass in the window. Nothing. I stood in silence in that serene room for a moment, terrified, intrigued and yet comforted all at the same time. I was feeling so many emotions. I remember it felt like my feet couldn’t move. I probably stood there like that for a good two minutes before hopping over broken glass, torn books, etc. and bolting out the front doors of the school and running down the walkway, still feeling uneasy about the earlier feeling of being watched before the smell came out of nowhere. I’ve never in my life experienced anything like that before, and I still haven’t shaken the thought or feeling a year later.

    • deborahjhughes

      It is likely that you connected with the spirit of someone who used to work in the school. In your reflective mood, looking over books, feeling comfortable and at peace, your mind became aware of her. She meant no harm but it is an unsettling experience. Most people run from it, as I have on occasion in my younger years! Have you had any other experiences since then? So sorry on the late reply! Blessings!

  8. Charris

    Wow I just can’t believe what I just read! A lot of things have been happening in my life . For instance I’ve lived in my home for 21 years and my dad has passed while he as well lived here. We just got confirmation about a house and it’s time we do our next chapter in our lives . I pray and try to talk to my dad and ask him for signs because I am having a very hard time with a lot of decisions that I have been making and my anxiety is high now especially when everything hits you at once. But around 11:11pm a sign I always said, I got a fresh smell of a blown out candle. Right away I did think oh gosh why do I smell this and that means it’s time to dim the light on this house. Not only did I smell it my son and his friend did as well. When I googled what a blown out candle mean this encountering ghost and I clicked it . I read all of what you have written. It just gave me such peace knowing that my dad or my other loved ones are here still with me and are telling me everything will be ok! 💚 I love this ! And I put a green heart because it’s my dad’s favorite color because I do feel it was him but I’m sure my mother and daughter are right beside him xoxo thank you for writing your book and I will be buying it . C.H.


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Deborah J. Hughes

Author of the Tess Schafer-Medium series and other books with paranormal content (also some romance!)

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