10 Signs Your Departed Loved Ones Are Paying You a Visit!

by | Oct 12, 2015 | Paranormal | 13 comments

Ghostly imageIt’s been a long time since my last blog post and I sincerely apologize for that! Life just keeps getting in the way and it leaves me to wonder if it will EVER slow down! I’m thinking not. It seems to me that the older we get, the busier life becomes! I think it might be that way because time speeds up as we age. It really does. Or so it seems.

This year has been a challenging one. I’ve had to deal with deaths in the family and despite my beliefs, the fact that we pass into spirit and abide there quite happily, it doesn’t lessen the pain of physical separation. I KNOW they are fine. I KNOW they are having an amazing experience in the spirit world, but (there’s always a “but” isn’t there?) I miss their physical presence.

When people ask me how I’ve come to KNOW what I know, well it’s an answer based on faith and personal experience. I gauge my convictions (what I have come to accept as truth) on my “gut feelings”…which I believe is my soul communicating with me. When MY truth is not accepted by others…well I’m fine with that. After all, everyone must live THEIR truth. That’s all any of us can do. We must each live our OWN TRUTH and what YOU have come to KNOW, is YOUR truth.

The people who visit my blog and ask me questions are spiritually inspired to do that and I am spiritually inspired to answer them when I can! Not always do answers come to me and I’m not going to make them up just to have something to say. If someone asks a question that baffles me, I will ponder it, wait for an answer to come and if it doesn’t, then I am not ready for that particular truth.

Nothing in life is by happenstance. Nothing is circumstantial. Nothing is a coincidence. Nothing is by luck. All things that occur…EVERY SINGLE THING that happens…is by spiritual design.

So given that understanding, it is our God-given RIGHT to question the things that happen. It’s RIGHT to ask WHY. We are intelligent beings and we have this inherent need to understand. That’s why we are here, living in this crazy world, going through all this crap and all the joys that life brings our way. We are seeking to learn, to understand and to KNOW the truth of it all. Understand this, my friends…the truth is a layered thing. When you uncover ONE truth, there lies another beneath it. The more you dig, the more you seek, the more you learn, the more truth you uncover.

Death is about the worst thing we must all eventually deal with. As emotionally painful as it is for those of us left behind, it is the opposite for those crossing into spirit. Death for them is a new glorious beginning. For most people anyway. There are some…like those who lived their lives inflicting pain and mayhem on others…who won’t find the afterlife quite so glorious. That’s because they will end up feeling even MORE emotional pain than what they caused! They will NOT rejoice in what they’ve done. They will want to make amends. They will want forgiveness…not just from their victims but from themselves.

When a spirit crosses over…it is the MOST peaceful experience they’ll ever know as a physical being. Those who die in horrific ways are seen to by other spiritual beings before they even cross over! The horror they experienced will become like a fading dream to them. They will eventually remember what happened, for our whole life (and any others we lived!) will become fully known to us, but we will have no attachment to any of the drama.

When a person first crosses into spirit and they realize the truth of it, the fact that it REALLY WAS PEACEFUL and easy and natural and wonderful, the first thing they want to do is comfort those still in physical life who now mourn for them! They want to reassure their loved ones that they are fine! They want to share the good news, the fact they are more alive than they’ve ever felt in this limited experience of three-dimensional life.

The fact is, many of them find ways to get a message through. BUT the signs they make are often ignored, dismissed, or misinterpreted.

Since I get asked quite often on how to know if their loved ones have tried to contact them, I wanted to write this post with the most common ways that I KNOW of. Either from my experience or from those of countless others. If you know of other ways in which a loved one came through, please share it with us! We all want to know so we can look for the signs as well!

  1. We see our loved on in a dream. The dream state is when we are closest to our spiritual state and so it is a common means for them to visit with us!
  2. When just drifting off to sleep or just waking up, we see our loved one standing (or sitting) near us! This is very common! I can’t even tell you how many people have shared stories with me about this happening to them! It seems to happen when death is imminent or soon after a loved one has crossed over.  BUT, others have had this experience even years after their loved one passed, so time doesn’t really matter. This sort of thing occurs when our conscious mind is relaxed…as it is when we are about to fall asleep or when we are just waking up. Our watchful Ego hasn’t put the filter in place to keep the two worlds “apart” and so a “sighting” occurs! As for your Ego keeping things at bay, well, don’t get too upset about it…that’s it’s job.
  3. When we suddenly smell something that makes you think of a loved one in spirit. If there is a smell that you associate with a loved one who has passed…they are close by! The sense of smell seems to be one of the easier ways for them to come through to us. I’m not sure why and I won’t worry about the reasons for it. I just KNOW this to be true!
  4. When a loved one who has passed suddenly pops into your mind…though you weren’t thinking about them or doing anything to make you think about them…then you are indeed experiencing a visit from their spiritual self! They especially come to us when we are anxious or worried or feeling down for they want to offer their spiritual support.
  5. When their picture suddenly falls from the wall or pops up in a place it shouldn’t be…or maybe an item that belonged to them is discovered out of place (not where it should be!)…rest assured, it is your loved one letting you know they are with you!
  6. When you suddenly see their name…or maybe a phrase or word that you associate with them…on a license plate, a bill board, whatever, wherever…and you immediately think of someone who has passed. A sure bet that person is paying you a spiritual visit!
  7. When something unusual occurs while talking about someone in spirit…it’s them saying “I’m here!”  In other words, if something happens that makes you think…now why did that just happen? Then that is your dear, departed loved one letting you know he or she is with you!
  8. If something from nature suddenly comes around you…be it a bird, a butterfly, an insect, an animal…SOMETHING that makes you stop and wonder about it, that is most definitely someone from spirit trying to come through!
  9. When a song suddenly comes on the radio or is played from some other media that makes you think of a loved one who has passed…that is your loved one letting you know they are with you!
  10. Honestly, ANYTHING that happens that makes you think of a loved one in spirit…that IS your loved one in spirit letting you know they are with you!

So, when any of these things happen to you and you are suddenly thinking about someone who is residing in spirit, then they are indeed with you and they will understand you when you speak to them. Their soul mingles with yours and WORDS are not necessary. Not to them. Words are, however, necessary to us so go ahead and TALK! Tell them what you want to tell them. Laugh. Cry. Rejoice. Mourn. Let your feelings go and be in the moment. LET THEM IN to your thoughts! I tell you this, whatever suddenly filters through your mind, words or feelings that seem to be coming from them…it is not your imagination making it all up. They are truly talking to you, putting those thoughts there and they are sharing their feelings with you! These experiences are always positive. If they are not…then stop the communication. LOVED ones in spirit will do NOTHING to make you feel bad. ALL interaction with them is LOVING and GOOD and POSITIVE. This I know because I have experienced it myself. This I know because so many, many people have told me of their experiences. This I know because I KNOW and I do not question what IS. This, my dear friends, is MY truth and it can be YOURS as well!

I hope this helps! Let me know your experiences! Share with us!! Most of all…be in peace!

2015-04-28 15.14.51Just a quick note for fiction readers! All of my books include the things I’ve learned about the spirit world into their stories. I believe each of them are spiritually inspired. If you find “ghost” stories interesting, then you might like them! If you’d like to check them out, just click on the picture and it will take you to my author page on Amazon. Thanks! Blessings!


  1. David

    Nice article about others that have passed on. My Mother called my name audibly three times over the course of a year. My father has come into my dreams several times. In one dream he said I earned his trust, and I never set out to do that. Another time my Mom and Dad came to me in a dream when I was selling there old house. While both of them was sitting at the table with me I was thinking of selling the house and Dad looked at me and said it was ok. And during that time as I was walking out of the post office I saw a man that was in spirit walking thru the door as I was walking towards it. My brother saw the same Man when he was real young. And we have no idea who he is. And since then in this other home that I bought I have heard someone say something on several occasions ( a man and a woman ) and no one else is in the house. This house did belong to the neighbors Mom and Dad.

    • deborahjhughes

      Hi David! Sounds like you have regular contact with your parents! How wonderful that you. Your parents are as active in your life as they’ve ever been. I didn’t mention it in the post but hearing your name being called is another common “ploy” they use to get through to us. Usually, those who notice spirit interaction, will notice MORE spirit interaction. Those in spirit recognize that you notice and so are encouraged to come around you. There are so, so many “over there” wanting to get through “over here”. The man you and your brother see is connected to both of you in some way. Could be a distant relative or even someone from a past life. In any case, it isn’t a negative energy so there’s no concerns there. Probably a spirit guide or guardian. Blessings to you! Thanks for sharing!!

  2. ghostmmnc

    I love how you write about the spirit world. I agree with all you say, and have had many experiences myself. (I’ve written about some of them on my blog) … I even had one this morning. Some people are just not aware of how many times and ways their loved ones are trying to get in touch. I’ve always been able to. Thanks for all you do.

    • deborahjhughes

      Thank you so much for your kind words! I’m glad you are spiritually connected and open to all the joys that can bring us! We interact with them constantly and don’t realize it! That is so, so true! Blessings to you!

  3. David

    I do have the feeling that there are others from the other side around me quite often. I get the impression that there are a few with bad intentions that I can do without. I was awaken today to a womans voice that said Colonel in an audible voice as though she was talking to me. I am not sure what to do with all this interaction from the other side. But I welcome all that want to bless me and the rest of humanity in a positive manner.

  4. Emma

    Interesting post as always.
    Thanks for this lovely read today; I found it comforting.

    • deborahjhughes

      I am so glad to hear that! Blessings to you!!

  5. Silvrhawk

    My husband of 30 yrs died Oct 28, 2011 , He would not come to me because he knew I would cry. My mom told me this as did a friend.. Well 4 yrs to the day he finally came to me as I cried and told him I met someone but did not feel I was ready to let go. He lay behind me in bed and put his arms around me and spooned me close , just like he did when he was alive. I felt him wipe my tears away and hold me. I finally fell asleep and thanked him when I woke up. Right after he died I moved back to Texas for 10 months. During that time I had stayed in my mom’ room with my 2 cats. During that time I felt him near me but one day I went to get my dog’s leash but it was gone. I saw it under the window by the cat tower, there was a beautiful perfect white feather on top of the leash under the cat tower. I did not have a bird and the cats never bothered the single feather. I put it in my truck with the others I have been blessed with when I needed him. I kept them safe in my truck but they are what made me feel safe. I have always been able to see spirits and talk to them. It is just Darryl that would not come to me because he did not want to upset me. He was always there for me while I fought my PTSD from when I was in the Marines. I have since moved back to Colorado and visited the sight where he died and where we married. I feel stronger and determined to let him go and move on with my life with my bf. The week before he died (suicide) I and the cats saw 3 angels on his side of the bed. Darryl refused to look. I thought they were there to help him through what I was planning. He beat me to it, the angels were there to help him go to the other side and to watch after me. I forgave him for what he did and I know he is watching over our 1st grandchild. ty for listening

    • deborahjhughes

      It is a lovely and sad story you share! Lovely in the love I get from it and sad that you lost your husband and in the way that you did! For SURE he wants you to move on so I hope that you have! Being with another does not interfere with the love you share with him! He’ll always be watching over you and wishing you well and joy and peace and happiness! Sometimes, our life just doesn’t go as we thought it would when we were born. Some of us can deal with that okay, others cannot. Your husband felt he would be better off in spirit…and he is! But that doesn’t leave those who love him better off! Unfortunately, they somehow convince themselves that that is going to be the case and they are actually doing their loved ones a favor! Suicide is often an act of love. I know that sounds warped but those who are in despair, feel they are causing even more of it for those they love. They feel their passing will allow their loved ones to be happy. It’s something their ego convinced them of and once they pass over…they realize their mistake. But they are in spirit and in a great place and so it isn’t a sad thing for them to be there! It is sad, though, for the loved ones still in the physical world! Finding feathers…very special indeed! You are quite blessed! I wish you continued blessings and peace! Thanks for sharing with us!

  6. Frank


    I had a very strange experience . 9 years ago I sat with my girlfriend in her living room . And it was 12 .oo at night . And we both saw a white star flashing in her cupboard . And next to the star was a circle turning around , on the painting of her dead mother . And next to the cupboard was a cage with a parrot . He could also see the star in his mirror . I never saw something before . Could it be that her mother had become a star . Or was it a message from another planet system . After that , years later I had some more experiences .
    kind regards from

    FRANK from The Netherlands

    • deborahjhughes

      Frank, I have to admit I’ve never heard of that happening to anyone. But I will say this much…no, your girlfriend’s mother is not now a star. We don’t become stars. We are souls and life is eternal! Blessings!

  7. Terri Bennett

    I don’t know if you heard this before not you probably have. My husband died on June 3rd from lung cancer and respiratory problems due to that. But even before he passed maybe two months before he passed I started smelling cigarette smoke and it wasn’t from anything in the house because he for the most part wasn’t even here he was in the hospital. And he was a heavy smoker and that’s pretty much what killed him. And I still smell it periodically but only in the house and never smell it outside or in the car anything like that. Have you heard of people having these things before the person actually passes I just found in a little bit strange I guess. Let me have your thoughts

    • deborahjhughes

      Yes! In fact, many people have experienced similar with people who are about to pass into spirit. I think it’s because their souls are having excursions from the body, prior to death, and to let you know he’s around, he brought with him the smell of cigarettes…it’s what you identify your husband with. Are you still getting these occasional smells?


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Deborah J. Hughes

Author of the Tess Schafer-Medium series and other books with paranormal content (also some romance!)

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