Fortune Telling – What it can do for you!

by | Mar 8, 2012 | Divination, Numerology, Occult, Palmistry | 12 comments

The Fortune Teller by Caravaggio.

Image via Wikipedia

Foretelling the future has been around since humans began to master communication.  It was common belief among the masses, in the early days of mankind, that certain things gave indication of future events (red skies at night, sailor’s delight).  It was also accepted that some people had the gift for seeing into the future.  Think Nostradamus! The Oracle of Delphi! or (my favorite!) Edgar Casey.  Casey wasn’t limited to seeing future events, he was also privy to past ones and current ones happening a world away!  How cool to see life’s timeline forward and backward, space and distance irrelevant!

Somewhere along the line, as various religions became more powerful and influential, their leadership managed to put a dark mark on these ancient practices.  Countless people have been brutally murdered over the years for dabbling in “occult” of them being, of course, fortune telling.  First of all, I think the “fortune” part should have been banned, not the “telling” part.  And no…I don’t care what bible passage you quote me, I do not believe that palm reading, Tarot cards, divining rods, pendulums, runes, astrology, numerology, etc. are evil (certainly they can be used for evil…but so can God…aren’t some of the terrorists of the day conducting their heinous acts in “the name of God”?).  I don’t believe it because it was God (and again…don’t come back at me and say, “Not everyone believes in God” because I do and this is my blog and if you don’t believe in God and don’t want to read on, you are welcome to “x” out but before you do…thanks for stopping by and many blessings to you!!) … so where was I?  Oh yes, I believe that God (or whatever name you want to call this omniscient creator of all that is …the Universe, Divine Intelligence, Yahweh, etc) is the creator of every single thing in existence.  If it has a name, it exists and God created it.  God created us too, obviously, and thus our palms!  He (although I don’t think of God as a person, because obviously “he” is not, I use the pronoun here just for ease of writing) created the heavens (thus the astrological planets!), the tea leaves, the cards, the pendulum, the crystal ball, or whatever is used to evaluate/analyze a person or situation or event.  As for numbers…their creation was the inspiration of God.  If you don’t believe this…then where did all these things come from?  And how is it that they are more accurate than not?

Okay, this isn’t going to be a persuasive post on why you should believe in various forms of divination (a better word than fortune telling).  I’m way too lazy and busy at this point to look up all the various references that explain how it works and why it works and blah blah blah.  First of all, if you don’t believe in it, nothing I say is going to matter, and if you are convinced it’s evil, nothing I say is going to matter.  So, this post, essentially, is for people who do believe, might believe, are open to believing or perhaps are just plain curious.

There are several divination activities that I am actively involved in: The Tarot, Palmistry, and Numerology.  I believe in Astrology but it’s a difficult art to learn and I just haven’t the time.  I leave it to the “masters”.  I always thought Tarot cards were silly and impossible until I learned about energy and divine influence and how nothing…absolutely nothing…is by luck or chance.  I’m best at Palmistry but am pretty good with Numerology as well.  I would love to be doing more of those things but I just haven’t the time.  Recently, I was interviewed by Cege Smith on her blog (interview link) about my book “Be Still, My Love” and I offered to do a numerology analysis for a randomly chosen commenter.  I thought it would be cool to do an analysis since I haven’t done one in awhile and its good to keep my psyche “well oiled” in the process.  You know, the “use it or lose it” rule and all that.  It’s truly amazing what your numbers (those associated with your name or birth) can tell you about yourself and your life.

My favorite form of personal analysis is Palmistry.  I was 16 when I found myself in homeroom class and nothing to read.  My teacher told me to get a book from her “library” (a bookshelf in front of her desk).  I browsed the titles and saw “The Art of Palmistry” and grabbed it.  Our desks were formed in groups of six and the other five desks in my group were filled with boys.  All of whom were on the football team.  Being a very shy introvert, I was quite intimidated to be sitting with them, but when I finally found my way to homeroom class that first day of school, it was the only seat open.  So anyway, the boys wanted to see what I was reading and they immediately popped their hands out for me to read.  Mind you, I JUST picked the book up.  My mind began to spin with the possibilities this little book could give me should I learn its contents.  Perhaps I might make friends and expand my tight little hang-out group. Perhaps people (boys!) would seek me out and I could HELP them (poor lost, clueless souls that they were! lol)  Yeah, grandiose dreams, but I was a shy teenage girl who wanted to break out of that shell.  Palmistry did that for me, let me tell you!  As I began to “get it” and learn the craft a little better, I discovered that it was pretty darned accurate!  The more hands I read, the more I learned, the more I understood this thing was the REAL DEAL.

I can honestly say that I’ve read thousands and thousands of hands over the past 30 plus years (where in the HECK did all the time go?) and I have not found the palms to lie.  It isn’t so much about telling your future as it about telling you about you!  Every aspect of your hand gives a clue to the person you are, have been and could be!  The first thing I do when I meet people or see someone who catches my interest (good or bad) is look at their hands.  I don’t need to read their palms to figure things out like temperament (watch out for large bulbous thumbs!), whether they are a leader (look for long fingers, especially the “pointer” finger!), if they can pay attention to detail (small hands!), are quick to make decisions (smooth, short fingers), or if they over think stuff (long,knotted…knuckle joints are large…fingers).  You want to know something…anything about a person…their hands are going to tell…hands down (sorry, but I just couldn’t resist).

I remember when I was going through a really bad time in my life, I was looking hard at my hands, doing my numbers, having my cards read and thinking we need a therapist in the world who can do all these things.  What better way to get help overcoming adversity and heartbreak than by looking at your life’s blueprints?  I even thought about it…becoming an expert in palmistry, the Tarot and numerology and then offering myself up to counseling people as they needed it.  Honestly, I think it would benefit anyone and everyone if they could see their “life plan” as God intended it (mapped out while in our spiritual forms before descending into hell, I mean, Earth!)  I still think this is an awesome idea…I’d be there in a heartbeat!  It’s really hard to stay impartial and do a “reading” for yourself.

There are countless guideposts God put in place to help “his” children navigate through life.  Unfortunately, we’ve demonized, ignored and ridiculed a lot of them.  Pure silliness.  But, believe what you will.  We all do!!

If you ever have the chance to have your cards, palms or numbers analyzed, you should give it a try, but there’s no getting around the fact that there are a lot of phony people out there (giving these divination practices further bad rap) who don’t know what they are doing though they’ll charge you handsomely for it.  Honestly, they shouldn’t be charging a lot for their services…certainly their time is important and they should get something for it…but they shouldn’t be out to empty your bank account.  God given gifts were meant to be shared, and if a price must be put on it, that price should be an affordable and modest one!  Also, it’s best if you can get some recommendations on the person you are about to approach for an analysis.  There’s enough information “out there” these days to learn nearly anything you need to know about someone. Check the internet and see what’s being said.  Just keep in mind that people can be real mean to others, deserved or not, and other people can be too generous.  You can always go with your “gut feeling”.  It’s really true that we all know the truth about everything.  Just most of us are closed off to that all knowing part of ourselves!

Maybe someday I’ll share some of my own palm reading experiences, they are truly remarkable and why I believe in it so much.

Okay, that’s it.  I’m done for now.  Until next time, blessings to all and Peace Out!


  1. Caleb Pirtle

    I’d be happy if somebody could tell me what happened this morning. I’ve written a lot of magazine pieces on the little hamlet of Cassadaga in Florida where the only residents and businesses are mediums, psychics, and spiritualists. I am fascinated by what they know. Your was a great post. I enjoyed it thoroughly.

    • deborahjhughes

      Lol, Caleb, sometimes I can’t remember much of the morning either! I haven’t heard of Cassadaga but it sounds like my kind of place! I’ve been to Lily Dale which is a spiritualist community in New York…loved spending time there! Thanks for stopping by my blog, so glad you enjoyed it!

  2. jvonbargen

    Really interesting write, Deborah! Enjoyed reading on these subjects!

    • deborahjhughes

      Thank you so much! So glad you enjoyed it. I find this stuff interesting too! (smile) Thanks for stopping by!!

  3. Jo-Ann Carson

    A fascinating post. I hope you write more about all the topics you mentioned. I’m dying to hear about your experiences palm reading. I’ve worked with the IChing and found it remarkably accurate. I’ve also used the Tarot and been shocked by how insightful the cards can be. Actually, the power of these tools kinda scares me.
    Best Wishes

    • deborahjhughes

      I do plan on writing more about these things…they’ve been an interest of mine for so many years and sharing my experiences and thoughts on them are definitely on my “blog post to write” list!! Thanks for the encouragement. I should never be amazed that these things work…especially something so seemingly random as the Tarot…BUT, all things work by design…divine guidance. God speaks to us in many ways…why not through the cards? No wonder the church leaders back in the day didn’t want people doing these things…where would their power and influence be if people were taking guidance directly from God? Thanks for stopping by my blog and taking the time to comment!! Blessings!!

  4. Emma

    I love reading about different methods of fortune telling. I had my palm read by an old lady in London a few weeks ago. She spoke exactly 3 sentences to me and sent me on my way. What else did I expect for £5 I suppose? 🙂

    • deborahjhughes

      I wonder how she decided what to say considering all the amazing things the palm can tell you? Every single line and mark mean something. Every single aspect of the hand is a reflection of something. It’s truly fascinating and uncanny how accurate it is. Unfortunately, every palm reader I’ve gone to hasn’t actually read my palm. They did a psychic reading. All well and good but I didn’t pay for a psychic reading, I paid for a hand analysis. Palmistry can’t tell you a tall, dark and handsome man is going to sweep you off your feet. What it can tell you is that at a certain point in your life, someone significant will enter it. Big difference. Now, while reading the palm, sometimes a psychic connection can form and details like that might pop into the “readers” mind. I do hope the three sentences were meaningful! Thanks for stopping by and commenting!!

      • Emma

        She told me I had a long life line, I’d have 3 children and gave me the man in my life’s initital, which was correct. She was accurate, but I just felt really embarrassed and uncomfortable when she said, “that’s it, get up”, as in telling me to take a hike. Anyway, I’d love to explore this more,
        Thanks for this post; I realy enjoyed reading it.

  5. gillyfraser

    A whole community of spiritualists and mediums? WOW! That idea amazes and enthrals me in equal measure.
    Deborah I completely agree with your take on religion – and I think that boils down to the simple fact that religions are man-made. God (insert whichever name you personally find appropriate…) is ALL religions and a lot more besides. In fact he’s WAY above the pettiness of religions and is perfectly capable of creating anything and everything. We’ll find out the reason why – eventually!

  6. tarot reading

    This article is great because so many people think a sensitive person is “all seeing” which is not the case. People who are sensitive and versed in the arts you mentioned can help one find a path that ultimately they seek.

    • deborahjhughes

      Thanks! So glad you agree. People often do think that psychics have all the answers. Really, the answers we need are within us…these methods are ways to bring them to light! Blessings!



  1. What’s Written in Your Palms? Only everything! « GhostlyDramas - [...] Fortune Telling – What it can do for you! ( [...]
  2. Fate vs Free Will or do Both Apply? « GhostlyDramas - [...] Fortune Telling – What it can do for you! ( [...]

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Deborah J. Hughes

Author of the Tess Schafer-Medium series and other books with paranormal content (also some romance!)

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