What’s Written in Your Palms? Only everything!

by | Mar 12, 2012 | Divination, New Age, Occult, Palmistry | 7 comments

English: Chart of the Hand.

Image via Wikipedia

A few days ago I published a blog post about Fortune Telling.  I’ve never particularly liked that term, however, so henceforth I shall refer to such crafts as Divination.  Why?  Because we are divine beings and our lives are divine productions.  That does not, however, mean that everything we intended to happen to us once we entered earthly existence is destined to occur.  Life is nothing if not a chance to experience infinite possibilities.  I think we all have a “life plan” (mapped out before birth) when we arrive into the earth plane and begin our “incarnation” (such an appropriate word here…more encompassing than “life”), but I also believe those plans often change as life commences.  It happens when you plan a trip as well.  Things happen: you change your mind, you add a side-trip, you feel compelled to try something, delete something or explore something.  Every decision you make changes the course of your life.  Every single one…no matter how big or small the decision.  Some of those decisions were probably destined to occur, but not all.  I think, in order to try and stay on course with our life plan, we placed ourselves in situations that would lead us along the road we hoped to travel.  I just can’t see how we were a random mix of genes and born without purpose.  God, surely, is infinitely more intelligent than to create us without some divine reason or care for our continued existence?  So anyway, we placed within ourselves certain tendencies…likes, dislikes, curiosities, talents, temperament…the list is endless, but basically it entails every aspect of the person we are and become.  This is why astrology works.  Our birth date and time were no accident or chance event.  To ensure we had some of the tendencies related to particular astrological influence (astrology being a needed aspect of life designed to help us stay on course), our birth was certainly a most divine occurrence, meant to happen at that precise moment that it did!

Now, this divine plan of ours to experience life for whatever reason we chose to enter it, was all placed there in our hands.  It is, in all respects, our life map.  Now, as I said earlier, decisions we make changes our plan to a degree (we have Free Will after all to follow the plan or not, though I don’t think any of us stray far).  Maybe we thought we could handle a heap of negative crap in our life (for whatever strange reason we felt we needed to experience such things) but now that we are actually living it…not so much.  So, we decide we’ve had enough abuse and make decisions that lead us from a situation we no longer desire to experience.  But…you know what?  We learned something important when we made that decision!  We learned that we can decide to change our life and then make it happen.  Maybe that was the plan all along?  Maybe that was something we needed to learn?  Or maybe not.  One way to find out is to look at our hands!

When I do a reading, I look at both hands.  I always ask if the person is left-handed or right-handed because the dominant hand is the hand that is guiding the life being led.  The non-dominant hand shows the life you INTENDED to lead.  Now, if you look at your palms, you should notice that the lines are quite different in each of them.  That shows how differently things are going now, from what you expected would happen when you were first born.  If the lines in your hands are similar, then you are following your life plan quite closely (a rarity, let me tell you, and I’ve read countless thousands of hands).  Now, sometimes it’s a great thing to not be following the life plan because I think as Spiritual Beings we are all gung ho about entering life and experiencing “it all”.  But lets face it, life is hard…and a lot of the difficulties we encounter have to do with our emotions.  For example, what if you hoped to be a great hunter when you were born but a tendency to care for innocent creatures tugged at your heart every time you killed an animal until finally you couldn’t do it anymore?

Now, if you want to just “wing it” through life (most of us do!), then don’t worry about what your hands have to tell you.  But, if you are curious as to what you expected to experience in life, then go have your hands read!  I said in my last post that I’d share some palm reading experiences with you, just a couple or so that stand out for me, and I will.

I have always found it most interesting that the number one thing everyone wants to know when they first stick their hand out is this…when are they going to get married? Or, if they are married already, how many kids are they going to have? (here I’ll admit that I’m not very good in that department…it’s very hard to interpret the children lines).  The next thing absolutely everyone wants to know (probably because I don’t know any super wealthy people) is if they are ever going to get rich?  As for that answer…well, it’s all in how you look at it.  I told someone once that I saw that they were going to come into a pretty considerable sum of money though I couldn’t say how much.  They won a law suit and though I don’t know how much they got, they bought a lot of expensive things and went on lots of trips and lived quite well for awhile.  They spent all the money and then came back to me and wanted to know when they were going to get this large sum of money!! True story.

The one thing everyone is fearful of learning is how long they are going to live.  Not that I’m going to answer that.  Not exactly.  Everyone has the potential to live very long lives…it’s up to you in the end…really.  God is not going to snatch you away without your consent (Free Will!) and though many of you will argue that is most certainly not true, I beg to differ.  The thing is…”death” is looked upon quite differently to our Soul Self than it is to the person we are in physical life.  So, when a time arrives in our lives where death might occur…our Soul is probably all for it while our present personality (the conscious being that we are in physical life) isn’t quite so persuaded.  As much as we might want to return to our spiritual “life”, our Soul Self knows if it’s time to let go of physical life or if we should stay a bit longer.  WE make the decision…not God.  This is probably very hard for many to accept and I understand that.  Certainly you may not agree and I accept that as well.  Our beliefs are a product of experiences thus far.  This is what I believe anyway, right or wrong.  Who really knows?  We’ll learn the truth when death to the body finally occurs.  What I find interesting is that one hand will sometimes show an earlier death than the other.  This is because of life choices made.  Maybe you were destined for lung cancer but quit smoking and ended up living longer?  In this scenario, one hand will show that you initially figured you’d smoke yourself to death for whatever reason and the other hand will show that you no longer thought this a good plan and stopped.  Lines change.  Hand readings need to be updated every few years because our lives often change.  Why?  Because many of us “live and learn” and adjust our decisions and beliefs accordingly.

When I first started reading palms, I really thought of it as nothing more than a fun activity to do.  Like playing around with a Magic Eight Ball.  But when I started seeing things in the palm that actually had occurred or ended up occurring, I began to realize that this was not a game.  The most profound reading I did that affected me early on involved a couple I was quite close to.  I was a senior in high school at the time and had been reading palms since my Freshman year.  I babysat for this couple quite a bit and I admired their relationship immensely.  I told myself that when I finally got married, I wanted the kind of marriage they had.  I looked up to them in every way there is to look up to them.  I thought he was the best husband and father and she was the best wife and mother.  Then I read her hand.  It clearly showed that her marriage would end and end soon.  I didn’t believe it.  I COULDN’T believe it.  This was my ideal couple.  They were PERFECT.  Their love was unshakable.  They had known each other most of their lives…grew up together, were best friends, married out of high school.  They had two great kids.  The perfect life…the life I wanted for myself someday.  I surely figured her palms were wrong and decided then and there that palm reading wasn’t so accurate after all.  Of course I didn’t tell her what I saw.  I read all the great lines, told her all the positive stuff and ignored that divorce indication (which was present in both hands, making it more worrisome for me!).  So sure was I that it was wrong, I was not about to tell her she was going to suffer a terrible break up…her heartline and headline both indicated much turmoil.  Although her palm showed her getting through it all just fine, I couldn’t accept the negative implications.  I actually stopped reading palms for a while after this.  So anyway…a year later, she found out her husband was having an affair and he left her.  My heart broke right along with hers.  My dream of the perfect marriage…shattered.  And the realization that I saw it all in her palm…a bolt of lightening couldn’t have had a stronger effect on me!  And by the way, she did come out of it all just fine…eventually.  I still admire her immensely!  She’s an amazing woman…her palm wasn’t wrong about that!  Should I have told her what I saw?  I don’t think so.  First, she wouldn’t have believed me and second, she would have worried over it.  Would it have made her realize that something was going on sooner? Could she have stopped the affair before it began if I’d said something to warn her?  I won’t ever know the answers to that.  It’s tough decisions I have to make when I read hands and see difficult paths ahead.

Another palm reading that had quite a profound effect on me was one I did of another close friend.  Her hand indicated a health issue (she was quite healthy at the time, only in her twenties).  I couldn’t tell her what the health issue was (if I were a better palm reader, I could have) but I told her that it was going to be serious and would require hospitalization.  I also told her she was going to get through it…as indicated on one hand.  The other hand showed that she would not live much into her thirties.  I took this as a personal choice she would have to make.  Stay and fight or go with the plan.  Because it seemed to me, for whatever reason, the earlier death was her life plan (it was in the non-dominant hand).  Her other hand was iffy…the lines faded, broke or overlapped where the illness occurred.  It takes a lot of training and skill to read palms…I learned from doing…from reading thousands of palms.  It seemed to be a calling of mine…I just picked it up quite easily.  Maybe I was a gypsy in a past life?  Hmmmm….  So anyway, I figured I needed to warn her of this illness and then press home to her that she could overcome it.  Because the reading scared her and she started to cry, I immediately did my best to reassure her that she was merely getting a warning so she could prevent this thing from happening.  I truly believed that.  It’s this stuff that makes me reluctant to read hands!  Of course I want to look at a person’s palm and say, “Oh my! You are going to have the best marriage and perfect kids and lots of money and fame and joy and love and…” You get the picture.  Life, we know, doesn’t normally happen that way. (sigh).  So, anyway, my friend kept this reading in mind and when not a year later she began to have health issues (I told her that it all would be happening within a year or two at the most), she remembered what I told her and went immediately to a doctor.  She found a lump in her breast.  The doctor told her it was nothing to worry about.  The lump got bigger.  She went to another doctor who also told her that it was nothing to worry about.  She wrote me an email and said, “Deb, I know something isn’t right.  I remember what you said, that I’d have a health issue and I’m determined to find out what it is and fix it.”  She went to another doctor.  Stage four breast cancer.  She had a mastectomy, endured chemo treatments and lived another five years.  After her mastectomy, she wanted me to read an update in her palm and I could not bring myself to do it.  She understood.  Would we have got those five years of extra life if she hadn’t been so persistent to find out what was wrong with her because of a palm reading I’d done?  I wonder.  Should I have read her hand again?  I wonder that too.

It’s the toughest thing in the world to encounter a situation where someone thrusts their hands before you and demands you tell them how long they are going to live.  Some really want to know while a good many others do not. One night, during my Junior year of high school (I’d been reading palms since my Freshman year), I had a close friend of mine come to my house with her boyfriend.  They were so serious and earnest as they looked at me.  He had been diagnosed with Leukemia and was in remission.  They wanted to know if the disease was going to return and if so, how long did he have to live?  Yeah, this is the kind of awful pressure put on people who do things like palm readings and the like.  When I refused to read his hand, he looked me in the eye and said, “I NEED to know, Deb.  I have things to plan if I’m not going to live very long.  I can handle the truth.”  They both pleaded with me until I gave in…with much reluctance.  I remember my heart pounding furiously as he put his palms out before me.  I think he could tell what I saw from reading my face (I’ve since learned to keep a very good poker face when reading palms).  “How long do I have?”  He asked.  I’m a great believer in self-fulfilling prophesy…tell someone or yourself something that is truly believed to happen and it WILL happen.  If I told him he only had a few years to live, would he only have a few years to live because I told him so?  If I told him he would live a long life…would he because I told him so?  What an awful dilemma.  Knowledge comes with much responsibility.  I told him what I saw because I felt he deserved the truth.  His palms indicated that he would get sick again in a few years.  I told him that it was up to him if he wanted to stay and fight or give up and join God.  Though they were only in high school, they decided to have a child together before he lost the ability to procreate.  They had a son.  He was three when he lost his daddy.  Not to the disease but to complications rising from it.  One great thing, though…he left behind a child, one that brought my dear friend great comfort after his passing.

The tough readings are always the ones that stand out.  The great ones not so much.  Why is that I wonder?  Certainly tragedy has a greater impact on us than successes.  And truly, there are a great many success stories…wonderful stories.  I told someone that I saw a possible accident and that she needed to be very careful and vigilant over the next couple years.  Get through these next two years and your other palm indicates a great accident free life!  She kept that warning to heart and managed to avoid a serious car collision because of her caution.  She’s convinced that she would have been involved and died in that crash if she hadn’t been more careful and she was being careful because of what I told her.  Who knows if that is the case or not?

It’s hard for me to read hands of people I love and stay impartial.  I might see a line indicating something I don’t like and ignore it or find another line to dispute it.  I did this with my ex-husband.  His lines indicated that he would have affairs.  I did not want to believe he would do something like that to me and so I chose not to accept the reading.  Surely the lines were wrong.  Although there were other indications that he could not be trusted, that he liked to tell stories and had a great talent for it, I still chose to ignore the warnings.  What a painful breakup that was when the truth all finally came to light.  I can’t tell you how many times I wanted to kick myself for not taking heed.  I saw it in his hand before we married…I should have known better.  But I was also determined that I could change it…I would be such a great wife he wouldn’t want anyone else.  We cannot, no matter how hard we try, control another person’s life.  I had two choices.  Accept him and his affairs or not.  I chose not.

I’ve found talents revealed in the hand that I never would have expected of that person.  “Do you write?” I might ask someone whose palms indicate as much though they have never indicated or shown an interest in it and they would look at me in surprise.  “Yes, how do you know?”  (wish I had a dime for every time I heard THAT question!).  “Your hand shows you’ve a talent for it.  You should pursue that!”  I love giving those sorts of messages and encouragements!  “Do you like to help sick people?” (I ask this when I see what I call “nurse or sympathy” lines).  “Yes, I love helping people!”  And to this I would say, “Well, you’d make a great nurse or doctor!”  And they do!

I’ve been writing since I was old enough to think up stories.  You can’t even begin to guess how many times I look at my palms trying to determine if there is a best-seller in my future! (smile)  I can’t read my own hands.  I’m just not impartial enough.  I know I’ve a talent for writing…my pinky finger tells me so!  I know that it’s an obsession with me so it must be a “calling” but as for my success with it…I guess I’ll have to see if those lines mean what I think they do or if I’m just wishing for something that isn’t there.  We’ll see.  Time will tell.  I’ve got to find me a good palmist and find out.  I’ve never been very good with patience…and THAT is clear to read in my hand even for me!!

Okay, I’m done for now.  Thanks for stopping by and reading my ramblings!! Blessings to all and Peace Out!


  1. Emma

    I find this fascinating. It must be really hard to tell someone about the bad things you read on their palms. I’d love to find someone with your talent to have a look at my plams.
    Great post!

    • deborahjhughes

      It’s very hard to tell people things they don’t want to hear. Sometimes I don’t but then that scares them too (I think they are more scared by what I don’t say). It’s a rock and hard place situation. When I first started reading palms, it was all about finding only good stuff, but the better you get at it and see the other stuff…the harder it is to ignore it. Still, it’s a great craft to learn and definitely a great thing to have done if you can find someone who does it well and honestly. Thanks for stopping by and commenting!! Blessings.

  2. Steve

    You are a very talented and gifted writer, and reader of palms – it was the first thing you did with me before you would allow me in your life – thank god I had a palm you trusted – thanks for being in my life!

    • deborahjhughes

      How lucky was I to get a man with great hands! (smile) Love you, too, my love!!

  3. Jo-Ann Carson

    I thoroughly enjoyed your post. Clearly you are gifted in divination and writing.
    Best Wishes

  4. Claude Nougat

    I’ve always been fascinated by the art of divination and of course palm reading (my mother reads in cards – it’s not half as convincing as what might be engraved in your own flesh!) Naturally, you’d have the difficult experience of having to tell some sad things in someone’s future. I was very moved by that experience with your friend who got breast cancer…It shows you can’t really escape destiny, can you? Or that it is at least very hard to do (that’s the subject of my novel FEAR OF THE PAST – btw, currently free on Kindle until March 16, be sure to get your copy!)

    Thanks for the post, and it’s full of interesting information about the palm reading techniques, things I never knew…

    • deborahjhughes

      Thanks for stopping by my blog! You know, destiny is a strange thing…is it predetermined? If so, what about free will? What’s the point if nothing we do matters? I think our destinies can change if we do. That’s why the lines in our hands change. But is there an ULTIMATE destiny? Is there a predetermined end point? We can take all the side trips we want, change how we get there…but still get THERE…to that one end point. I don’t know. No one does. I do believe this…we are all destined to end up with God. Some are going to take an awful long time to get there obviously (this being the case only if reincarnation is a fact which I believe it is). Take my friend with breast cancer for instance. Her ultimate destiny was to transition from physical life back to her spiritual being while still quite young. But, she took a five year detour and hung around a little longer. In the end, though, she met her ultimate destiny. I think about these things, wonder about it a lot. Does it matter if we read our palms and the stars and the cards or whatever? I guess it can’t hurt in any case. I’ll check out your book. Thanks.



  1. Fate vs Free Will or do Both Apply? « GhostlyDramas - [...] What’s Written in Your Palms? Only everything! (deborahjhughes.com) [...]

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Deborah J. Hughes

Author of the Tess Schafer-Medium series and other books with paranormal content (also some romance!)

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